Empowering students and graduates for National Careers Week

Empowering students and graduates for National Careers Week

National Careers Week is a key moment in the academic calendar, providing a fantastic opportunity for students and graduates to explore their career options and access high-quality guidance and resources. It provides a national focus on careers education at a crucial time in their academic journey, helping them make informed choices about their future.??

To support your students’ career development, AGCAS provides expert resources designed to help them understand their options and navigate the job market effectively.??

Discovering career pathways with Job profiles?

AGCAS Job profiles, developed in partnership with Prospects.ac.uk, cover over 500 roles that new and recent graduates are most interested in and offer key insights into:?

  • core job responsibilities and day-to-day activities??

  • salaries?

  • entry requirements and qualifications?
  • typical employers and vacancy sources?
  • professional development opportunities?
  • career prospects.???

These profiles provide a structured way for students to explore a particular career in-depth.??

Exploring degree options??

For students unsure of their next steps, the What can I do with my degree? (WCIDWMD?) series is an essential resource. Covering over 100 degree subjects, it helps students:?

  • identify transferable skills gained from their studies?

  • explore a wide range of career options linked to their degree?

  • understand the employment destinations of graduates with similar degrees.?

Supporting students interested in teaching?

For students considering a teaching career, the AGCAS Teaching series, produced in partnership with Group GTI and available on targetjobs, provides advice on:?

  • navigating the various teacher training routes?

  • how to write a strong application for teacher training courses?

  • getting a first teaching job?

  • teaching in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.?

Exploring alternative careers in education?

While teaching remains a popular route for many graduates, the AGCAS Education Alternatives resource explores a wide range of education careers that go far beyond the traditional classroom setting. Available as two new podcasts and a more in-depth publication, this series provides some unexpected career opportunities in the education sector.??

Real-life insights: using case studies to inspire students?

Many of the AGCAS Job profiles and WCIDWMD? titles feature case studies from recent graduates in real jobs. These insights provide valuable context and inspiration, showing students how their peers have successfully navigated their career journeys:?

?“Say 'yes' to every opportunity, even if it's not something you initially planned for your future, as it could lead to new and exciting ventures.”?

?“In television, your reputation is of utmost influence and importance, so work hard to make a good impression and try to keep in touch with people.”?

Making the most of your AGCAS resources?

National Careers Week is an opportunity to embed the AGCAS resources into your career sessions, workshops and online content. For example, you could:?

  • host interactive workshops - use AGCAS Job profiles and WCIDWMD? titles to encourage students to explore different career paths?

  • encourage independent research - encourage students to use AGCAS resources as a reference tool for conducting initial careers research?

  • bring presentations to life - use the AGCAS case studies as real-life examples to inspire students?

  • engage students digitally - share AGCAS resources through university careers websites, social media and newsletters to reach a wider audience?

  • collaborate with academic departments - integrate AGCAS resources into curricula, helping students connect their academic studies with future employment opportunities.?

Looking ahead?

National Careers Week is an invaluable opportunity for students and graduates to explore their future and take proactive steps towards achieving their career goals. By using the wealth of resources provided by AGCAS, you can help them gain clarity and confidence in their career choices, equipping them with the knowledge needed to succeed in today’s job market.?

For more information on AGCAS publications and resources, visit www.agcas.org.uk.??

#NCW2025 #careers #employability #graduatejobs #graduate #student #jobprofiles ?

