Empowering Security: Cultivating a Threat Modeling Mindset
Swapnil Pawar
Driving Personal Growth and Leadership ?? | Innovating as a Cloud Security Engineer | Soon To Be TEDx Speaker | Architecting Multi-Cloud Security ???
Anyone can learn to threat model, and everyone should. Threat modeling is about using models to find security problems. Using a model means abstracting away a lot of details to provide a look at a bigger picture, rather than the code itself. You model because it enables you to find issues in things you haven't built yet, and because it enables you to catch a problem before it starts. Lastly, you threat model as a way to anticipate the threats that could affect you.
Threat modeling for cloud systems expands on standard threat modeling to account for unique cloud services. It allows organizations to further security discussions and assess their security controls and mitigation decisions.
Is the Purpose of Cloud Threat Modeling Different from Non-cloud Threat Modeling?
Cloud threat modeling serves a similar purpose [as non-cloud threat modeling] but does offer additional benefits.
First, cloud threat modeling enables and drives secure cloud adoption. From the onset of cloud technology, more so than with other technologies or changes, security was considered preventative to cloud adoption. Although most of the security-related barriers, such as technology, regulation, or risk, have been lifted or overcome, decision makers still ask the following questions:
Cloud threat modeling is a helpful and enabling step in responding to questions such as introduced above. It brings an understanding of threats, assets, and security controls and therefore instills confidence by informing stakeholders and assisting in decisions.
Secondly, cloud threat modeling helps select the most secure, service, deployment, and multi-tenancy model configuration. When selecting service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), deployment models (private, public, hybrid, community), and multi-tenancy environment, the primary considerations are business objectives, security, and regulations. Cloud threat modeling helps determine what threats are inherent to a certain model or design and what controls are available and, therefore, what security efforts are implied as well.
Are the Threats Considered in Cloud Threat Modeling Different from Non-Cloud Threat Modeling?
Threats to cloud systems, applications, and environments are unique. Different technologies such as instance metadata service and cross-account IAM access federation come into play. Different technology and consumption models describe cloud systems. Therefore, different attacks are viable against them and to different impacts and impact gravity than otherwise.
Why Threat Modeling
Understanding what could possibly go wrong in your system and what you can do about it will increase your trust in what you’re delivering, leaving you free to concentrate on other facets of the system. And that is what’s really behind the need for threat modeling.
Threat modeling is MUST because it will make teams work easier and better in the long term. It will lead to cleaner architectures, well-defined trust boundaries (you don’t know what those are yet and why they are important, but soon you will!), focused security testing, and better documentation. And most of all, it will instill in the team the superpower of security mindedness in an organized, orchestrated way, leading to better security standards and guidelines across different team’s development effort.
What is better?
Is it better to reduce the velocity of an Agile team, or that of a team of hackers who are trying to access your data?
Secure By Design Principles
The purpose of Secure Product Design is to ensure that all products meet or exceed the security requirements laid down by the organization as part of the development lifecycle and to ensure that all security decisions made about the product being developed are explicit choices and result in the correct level of security for the product being developed.
Security Principles:
Learning to Threat Model
You begin threat modeling by focusing on four key questions:
Now begins GAME TIME……..
and why Serious Games?
The idea to perform threat modeling on a system using a serious card game as developed by the security department at Microsoft. At its core, threat modeling should be done continuously as part of the (agile) development process. Thus, it should also be done by the developers (Along with Security Architect, Engineers, Practitioners), as they are the real experts on the system.
Microsoft's game allows developers, architects and security experts to find threats to the system even if they do not have a strong background in IT security. It is a threat catalog that guides the player's thoughts to new and unusual perspectives on the system, just as an attacker would do. Gamification makes this a fun thing to do and keeps the players motivated to find creative attacks.
But most important the game will teach the developers to look at the system with security in their mind. Therefore, it raises the awareness for security during implementation, avoiding threats from the start.
Five-step process
Develope Threat Modelling Diagrams
The key thing to remember is that the diagram is intended to help ensure that you understand and can discuss the system. Rmemberthe quote : “All models are wrong. Some models are useful.”
Therefore, when you're adding additional diagrams, don't ask, "Is this the right way to do it?" Instead, ask, "Does this help me think about what might go wrong?"
The main elements of a data flow diagram
Trust Boundaries
A trust boundary is anyplace where various principals come together—that is, where entities with different privileges interact.
Drawing Boundaries
After a software model has been drawn, there are two ways to add boundaries: You can add the boundaries you know and look for more, or you can enumerate principals and look for boundaries.
If you don't see where to draw trust boundaries of any sort, your diagram may be detailed as everything is inside a single trust boundary, or you may be missing boundaries.
Ask yourself two questions. First, does everything in the system have the same level of privilege and access to everything else on the system? Second, is everything your software communicates with inside that same boundary?
What to Include in a Diagram
So what should be in your diagram? Some rules of thumb include the following:
Threat Modeling Technologies
Structured Approaches to Threat Modeling
When it's hard to answer “What's your threat model?” people often use an approach centered on models of their assets, models of attackers, or models of their software. Centering on one of those is preferable to using approaches that attempt to combine them because these combinations tend to be confusing.
Focusing on Assets
There are three ways the term asset is commonly used in threat modeling:
Focusing on Attackers
Given a list of attackers, it's possible to use the list to provide some structure to a brainstorming approach. Attacker-driven approaches are also likely to bring up possibilities that are human-centered. For example, when thinking about what a spy would do, it may be more natural (and fun) to think about them seducing your sysadmin or corrupting a janitor, rather than think about technical attacks. Worse, it will probably be challenging to think about what those human attacks mean for your system's security.
Focusing on Software
Good news! You've officially reached the “best” structured threat modeling approach.
Software-centric models are models that focus on the software being built or a system being deployed. Some software projects have documented models of various sorts, such as architecture, UML diagrams, or APIs. Other projects don't bother with such documentation and instead rely on implicit models.
How Long Threat Modeling Exercise should be?
The answer to that varies according to system size and complexity, the familiarity of the teams with the system, skill in threat modeling, and even the culture of meetings in an organization. Some very rough rules of thumb are that you should be able to diagram and find threats against a “component” and decide if we need to do more enumeration in a one-hour session with an threat modeler to moderate or help.
For the sort of system that a small start-up might build, the end-to-end threat modeling could take a few hours to a week, or possibly longer if the data the system holds is particularly sensitive. At the larger end of the spectrum, a project to diagram the data flows of a large online service has been known to require multiple people working for several months.
[1] Threat Modeling: Designing for Security by Adam Shostack
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