Empowering middle managers with leadership skills transforms them into the backbone of organizational success
Inspired Concepts Consulting
Improving Individual, Team and Corporate Performance
Middle management is recognized as the hardest job in any organization. According to Simon Sinek, middle managers face unique challenges because they are often promoted for their technical skills but are not given the necessary training to lead people effectively. When you start as a junior employee, your primary responsibility is to do your job well, and you receive training to do so.
However, when you get promoted to middle management, you are suddenly responsible for leading others without proper training in essential leadership skills such as listening, communication, and giving and receiving feedback. Senior management tends to focus on the overarching strategy of the organization, while middle managers are caught in a complex position. They need to be both strategic and tactical but often don't receive the guidance needed to balance these roles effectively. As a result, we end up with managers who are not equipped to be true leaders.
Gallup's research further highlights the critical role of middle managers in driving employee engagement and wellbeing. New demands for flexibility in remote and hybrid workplaces, along with increased risks of employee mental health issues, have made managing people even more challenging. Gallup found that a significant percentage of employees experience negative emotions such as loneliness, anger, and sadness, which underscores the importance of having engaged and supportive managers.
However, the reality is that many managers are not highly engaged in their own jobs, making it difficult for them to engage and motivate their teams. Gallup's studies show that only three in ten managers worldwide are fully engaged in their roles. This lack of engagement has a ripple effect, leading to disengaged teams that produce lower quality work and experience more negative emotions daily. To address these challenges, companies must prioritize the engagement and wellbeing of their managers.
Management Drives provides a comprehensive solution by offering training programs that equip middle managers with the skills needed to become effective leaders. By focusing on goal setting, ongoing feedback, and accountability, Management Drives helps managers create a positive and productive work environment. Well-run organizations demonstrate that leaders and managers can significantly impact workforce mental health through the cultures they build.
These organizations prioritize hiring and developing managers who can coach and support their teams effectively. They integrate engagement and wellbeing into all stages of the employee lifecycle, from hiring to performance management and development. If your organization wants to boost employee engagement and performance, investing in the development of your middle managers is crucial. Management Drives offers the tools and training necessary to transform managers into leaders who can inspire their teams and drive meaningful progress.
By focusing on the wellbeing and development of your managers, you can create a thriving workplace culture where everyone can perform at their best. Video Simon Sinek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0W4H6jMLKg Gallup research: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/645398/engage-workforce-empowering-managers-first.aspx