Empowering Couples to take action & drive more viewing appointments in the process
Ciara Crossan MIH
Founder & CEO, WeddingDates | EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women EMEIA Class of 2024 | Accredited Thought Leader in International Hospitality Marketing
Is this you?
"We are getting enquiries but it is so hard to get couples through the door anymore!"
Working closely with 800 hotels and venues all over Ireland and the UK I hear them proclaim this regularly. And we know it to ring true as our January 2019 survey results show us that over 70% of couples will view only 3 venues or less before booking and a staggering 1 in 4 couples will only view 1 venue!
SOURCE: *These are the figures from our Irish Survey completed in January 2019 with over 1,400 newly engaged couples. We had 1,200 UK respondents who said: 26% 1 venue, 40% 2-3 venues, 22% 4-5 venues, 12% six or more.
Getting "warm bodies through the door" has always been a challenge but never more than with increasingly research-savvy and time poor couples. They are narrowing down their shortlist online and spending their precious free time visiting venues they are VERY serious about.
On a positive note, it means you should secure a wedding booking from 1 in every 3 show round appointments you have - but how do you get them in the door in the first place?
One thing that we know about Millennial couples, is they like to feel empowered to take action. Highly tech-savvy digital consumers are used to organising and booking things online with the click of a button. So for those couples who are on your website and want to come in to see the place - why not allow them to take that step and go further than just a simple brochure request or enquiry?
WeddingDates is all about reducing the friction in the wedding enquiry process.
We have built a simple Request Appointment plugin for your website which will empower your website visitors to take immediate action (and don't forget, typically people are browsing online out of office hours - in the evenings, on the couch, with the laptop.
1 line of code can be added to your website to install this and it will act as a real call-to-action for your website visitors. They are not booking a direct appointment into your diary, they are simply requesting to come in and selecting their preferred time - morning/afternoon or evening. It's simple to install, customised to your website colours, will never mess with your website's functionality, mobile responsive and displays all of your reviews automatically as soon as they are published. We've put together a brief video demo for you to take a look:
This is a great tool to help drive show rounds to your venue as it allows the couples to book an appointment even when the events office is closed. Imagine coming into the office in the morning to Appointment Requests instead of Brochure Requests!
If you are interested in getting this tool for your website and driving more wedding appointments, please DM me for more info.