Empowering Change and Igniting Corporate Culture

Empowering Change and Igniting Corporate Culture

To our incredible community,

What a phenomenal month it has been for all of us! If you haven't yet been introduced, allow me to highlight our philanthropic endeavor, Awakened Project . This month, we successfully organized a riveting event with the sole aim to uplift women from the chains of poverty. Our approach? Raising funds for microcredit loans, to help women start their organizations to get out of poverty, a significant step towards a brighter future. The turnout? Sold-out, exceeding all expectations!

Your generosity has the power to double in impact; we're excited to share that every donation towards the Awakened Project will be matched. If you're inspired to contribute, please consider donating directly to our non-profit partner, Momentum.


This initiative was born from the dedication and vision of our community. It underscored a realization: the company we keep, professionally and personally, significantly shapes our journey. This goes beyond events; it touches the very essence of what we stand for.

With this in mind, I’ve made a personal pledge. A pledge to immerse in actions that resonate with our shared vision, uphold our values, and truly make a difference.

In line with this, I'm thrilled to announce our FREE monthly “Coffee with Catherine” sessions that started last month will be continuing. This initiative marries practical know-how, age-old wisdom traditions, and cutting-edge business research. As a sneak peek, this month I will delve into the “Art and Science of Hiring”, sharing insights from my past life as an executive recruiter. After all, finding the right people is not just a task, but the very foundation of an organization's success.

Here's a gentle reminder: constant turnover benefits none!


Practical Know How

Igniting Corporate Culture: The Art of Hiring with Catherine

In the ethereal dance of business, where fortunes rise and fall, a transcendent truth emerges: Who we invite into our corporate sanctum shapes our culture, our very essence. Hiring is an art and a science and sets the atmosphere of our organizations.

Invitation for every leader (and everyone is a leader) to be very clear on your vision, values, and strategies and then hire based on this.

Not clear on your vision, values, or strategy? We can help! We offer Strategy with Soul consulting and can help you awaken your organization from the inside out – making your corporate culture a sought-after aspect as you take on new employees or retain the ones you already have. Reach out to [email protected] for a free quote.

Business Research

Here are some lessons from someone who has helped to hire thousands of leaders (our founder, Catherine Bell).

1. Hiring is Critical

The very soul of your enterprise is etched by those you embrace. Each hiring choice resonates through the corridors, and the cost of faltering is steep - an odyssey not to be taken lightly.

2. Hiring Sets Cultural Weather in the Organization

Align the stars with intention. Place the right souls in the right seats to awaken a culture aflame. With clarity of vision and unwavering values, enchant your candidates, and watch as engagement, productivity, and performance soar.

3. Create Clear Job Descriptions

In your sacred scrolls of job descriptions, inscribe not just skills, but the essence needed for the role. Know this: people are summoned for skills but exiled for dispositions.

Make sure that you have clear:

  • Metrics for success of the role.
  • Experience needed for the role.
  • Education needed for the role.
  • Desired personal characteristics.
  • Attractions clearly laid out for why people would want to come to your company.

4. Interview Effectively

In the grand ritual of interviews, craft your questions with precision, summon the council of your team, and decipher the cryptic references. Gather wisdom; be ever watchful of the spectre of bias, for in truth, perception is often a beguiling illusion. Getting lots of data on candidates matter. People are hired for technical skills and fired for personality.

5. Look for Transformational Leadership Traits

Seek to find transformational leaders for your organization. Their essence can breathe life into the stone-cold statues of corporate culture. Here is a video on transformational leadership:

Mastering the 4 I's of Transformational Leadership - The Awakened Company

Wisdom Traditions

Before you interview people, take mindfulness moments. Take some deep breaths, read through the job description, and bring your humanity to the table.

Here is an article Catherine wrote for Women of Influence on mindful hiring:

Alone or Together: Using Mindful Hiring to Build an Inclusive Team

Need some guidance on mindfulness? We have an incredible 3-minute centering practice for you to use at your convenience:

Centering Practice Guided Meditation: The Perfect Start to Any Meeting by Catherine R Bell

For further insights or to seek guidance on any aspect of your business journey, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We stand ready to usher you toward prosperity!

Warm regards,

Catherine R Bell, MBA

P.S. Join us for one of our upcoming sessions! ↓↓

Upcoming Events

FREE EVENT | Coffee With Catherine

The best conversations often happen over coffee, don't they?

We are thrilled to continue our FREE monthly initiative, Coffee with Catherine! Fancy a coffee with Catherine?

Dive deep into leadership insights, mindful practices, and transformative lessons.

This month is all about The Art and Science of Hiring

Don’t miss out - October 26th, 2023 at 11:00 am MST - 30 mins.


A sneak peek into understanding the pivotal relationship that sets the tone for all others: the relationship with oneself. This intro session will touch upon the role of self-love, self-understanding, and how the Enneagram can offer insights into your most intimate relationship – the one with yourself.


  • The concept of self-relationship as a foundation for all other relationship.
  • A brief introduction to the Enneagram and how it can help in self-understanding.
  • A simple self-care practice to enhance your relationship with yourself.

Invest in knowledge with our Compassionate Pricing! Choose a rate that fits you: $20 standard, or $15, $10, $5 if needed. Your honesty fuels quality content. Need more aid? ?? [email protected] . Together, we make learning accessible.


A glimpse into how our attitudes and preconceptions can make or break our interactions with others. This intro session will explore how mindset affects relationship dynamics and introduce the idea of mental narratives we unknowingly carry.


  • Understanding how limiting beliefs affect our relationships.
  • An introduction to the concept of ‘relationship paradigms’.
  • A cognitive tool to help reframe your mindset.

Invest in knowledge with our Compassionate Pricing! Choose a rate that fits you: $20 standard, or $15, $10, $5 if needed. Your honesty fuels quality content. Need more aid? ?? [email protected] . Together, we make learning accessible.


This intro session provides an overview of the physical and non-verbal aspects of relationships. How do we communicate love, disappointment, or enthusiasm without words? And how can we better understand these unspoken cues from others?


  • Importance of non-verbal cues in relationship-building.
  • Understanding the concept of ‘love languages’.
  • An activity to identify your primary love language and how it influences your relationships.

Invest in knowledge with our Compassionate Pricing! Choose a rate that fits you: $20 standard, or $15, $10, $5 if needed. Your honesty fuels quality content. Need more aid? ?? [email protected] . Together, we make learning accessible.


These intro sessions are all to generate discourse around the upcoming Relationships course Catherine and Dr. Egerton are hosting next year. Curious what they’re all about? Check them out here ↓↓

1. Unlocking Yourself and Your Relationships | Practical Practices for All Relationships

2. Understanding Our Heart in Relationships | Getting to the Root of the Matter | Enneagram Types 2, 3, and 4

3. Understanding the Importance of How We Think About Relationships | Enneagram Types 5, 6, and 7

4. Actions are Louder Than Words | How We Are in Relationships Matters | Enneagram Types 8, 9, and 1

Each session can be taken individually – but the value of all of them together is outstanding.


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