Empowered Women
In today's increasingly digital world, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping economies and societies. However, despite the vast opportunities presented by the digital age, there remains a persistent gender gap in technology access, skills, and representation. Addressing this gap is not only a matter of equality but also essential for fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and ensuring a more inclusive society.
ITU's Efforts Towards Gender Equality
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recognizes the importance of including more women and girls in the digital transformation of economies and societies. Guided by its Gender Equality and Mainstreaming (GEM) policy and action plan, ITU is committed to promoting gender equality and empowering women through information and communication technologies (ICTs).
ITU's Strategic Plan for the period 2020-2023 (the Connect 2030 Agenda) outlines a special target to achieve gender equality in Internet usage and mobile phone ownership by 2023. Through various programs and initiatives, ITU aims to raise awareness, empower, and encourage girls and young women to consider studies and careers in STEM fields and other digital skills.
International Girls in ICT Day
One of ITU's flagship initiatives is the International Girls in ICT Day, a global effort to raise awareness and empower girls and young women in ICT. Since its launch in 2011, this initiative has reached over 377,000 girls and young women in more than 171 countries worldwide, inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM and ICT fields.
EQUALS Partnership
ITU, along with other partners, founded the EQUALS partnership in 2016 to ensure women and girls have access, skills, and leadership roles in the digital economy. The partnership organizes the EQUALS in Tech Awards, which celebrate projects and initiatives that bridge the digital gender divide and empower women and girls worldwide.
Enhancing Digital Skills for Women
ITU, in collaboration with organizations like the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), runs projects to enhance access to digital technologies and build digital skills for women in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). These projects aim to improve the policy and regulatory environment, increase governments' ability to mainstream gender and ICTs, and enhance economic opportunities for women by equipping them with digital skills.
Regional Coding Camps and Workshops
ITU organizes regional coding camps and workshops, such as the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) and Americas Girls Can Code (AGCC), to train and empower girls and young women to become computer programmers, creators, and designers. These initiatives aim to act as catalysts for change, creating a supportive online community for sharing coding experiences and inspiring the next generation of female STEM leaders.
Women in Cybersecurity Mentorship Programme
ITU's Women in Cybersecurity Mentorship programme seeks to inspire, train, and empower women in cybersecurity. Through mentorship and training opportunities, this programme aims to address the gender gap in cybersecurity and encourage more women to pursue careers in this critical field.
UNICEF's Call to Action
Despite these efforts, significant challenges remain in bridging the gender digital divide. According to UNICEF, around 90% of adolescent girls and young women in low-income countries do not use the internet, highlighting the urgent need for action to ensure equitable access to digital skills and opportunities.
UNICEF calls on governments and partners to close the gender divide by:
1. Teaching digital skills equally to girls and boys in and out of school.
2. Protecting girls' safety online through virtual safe spaces, policies, and education.
3. Promoting girls' access to peer learning, mentoring, and job opportunities in the digital/STEM world.
Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology
Promoting gender diversity within the technology industry requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders. This includes encouraging girls to pursue STEM subjects at an early age, highlighting female role models in technology, establishing mentoring and networking programmes, and fostering a culture of gender diversity within tech companies.
By investing in girls' education, providing mentorship and training opportunities, and creating inclusive environments, we can empower women and girls to succeed in a digital society. Together, we can bridge the gender gap in technology and build a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
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