Empowered by Purpose

Empowered by Purpose

Purpose, when your on it there's no denying the endless source of passion, fuel and inspiration it provides to it's finder.

Like all good things it takes a little effort to discover, though once you have it its yours for life and its fulfills your being and builds resilience and passion.

I recently helped the owner of Pilates Plus Studios Kristi Vacanti to seed the ShareTree App into her life. To use the ShareTree App to cultivate connection and culture of a group, it is most powerful when you first navigate through the process of connecting with your purpose. It starts by asking just three simple questions:

  1. What do you love, have a passion about or are supremely qualified to do?
  2. Who do you serve or do it for?
  3. How do they change as a result?

By infusing your purpose into what you do you bring passion into all parts of your life.

Kristi discovered the power of bringing her purpose into what she does. Her studio www.pilatesplusbylagreefitness.com originally had a mission of:

Building physical strength.

After fusing purpose with all that she does it has transformed the Pilates Plus studios focus and purpose to the following:

To create physical, mental and spiritual strength for consciously aware people seeking development, friendships and community.

With the limited time and energy we have in this life, its important that we are clear on why we do what we do and also who we attract into our life!

Are you clear on your Purpose?


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