Empowered by Faith
11/26/2019 PBJ
Romans 4:20 No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God (AMPC)
We speak from that which is stored up in the heart. Thus, we need to guard the heart. One way that we can do this is to emulate Abraham in giving to God our continual praise and worship. He alone is worthy, the savior of our soul, the giver of life eternal, forgiving our many sins and transgressions. How else can we look Beyond our present circumstance to see that which will come according to the Lord’s promise?
We must, I must, praise and glorify our Lord. In this act of worship, righteousness and faith are attributed to the soul.
For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. (Romans 10:10 EV)
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (Proverbs 18:21 EV)
Father God help my weak faith to grow into great faith. I will open my heart more readily to your word and to the working of the Holy Spirit. I will open my mouth and in faith boldly proclaim your promises.
Holy, holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty! Where is he of our praise and adoration is the lamb of god Celine before the world, risen from the dead, seated at the right hand of the father. Glory to God in the highest forever and ever, Amen.