Empowered amid the Crown that hurts..
in my garden one night by the moon....

Empowered amid the Crown that hurts..

Namaskar to all.

Reminding you of facts You may already know but in the tidal wave of insecure and frightful messages, have forgotten. So I hope you do understand.... my long messages are to compensate for a workshop on Prevention.

If you don't have it (any virus), You cannot spread it.

But, if you are careless, weak or just too stubborn to take care... you can get it....

Whether you suffer or not.... you can spread it.

So. Let's build our inner strength to Kill it !!

Let's discuss few "to do at home" "Healing" tips.

Your Thymus and Spleen play a very important role in enhancing and regulating IMMUNITY.

Lymph is an important Body fluid derived from blood which carries the defense system. A well circulated, clean lymphatic system means better Immunity.

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Lymphatic stimulation is done by "drumming" on these areas as above.

It's fun and very Refreshing too. These points on the body will improve Circulation and detoxify Blood.

These 'points' shown below, also add strength to lungs if you learn properly. (Below image)

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and a simpler one on the hand itself:

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You need a wooden pencil (not plastic or metal pens) or a “papad” rolling pin; and roll along this line. It really does not matter if you do not catch the exact line and points. If you are a little confident, go ahead and press with your thumb; or do it for another..

The image of Hands is the zone to massage with Black mustard seeds to stimulate the Thymus. (sujok) The Central line (life line) is for Spleen, the organ where the Spent WBC get degenerated.

The sole of the feet is where all the "energy heat" gets accumulated. Unfortunately, now a days we hardly walk barefoot. Our whole body is reflected on the sole. Remember to scrub and wash feet, between the toe fingers, around the heel…. To really cool down before sleep.

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During the day, ideally early morning, walk on grass, mud, natural (not cemented or tar roads) - We must... about 15 mins to 30 mind. Natural “grounding” is very de-stressing.

The great Warriors in your body who can "eat up" virus and cells virus invades are T-cells, a type of White Blood Cell (WBC). A WBC lives for about 15 days +- 3 days. So any change in Immunity can only be possible when these Tips are done for few days. Skilled therapists can totally change the Immune systems in 2 to 3 weeks.

These are born in the big bones and take their 'training ' in the Thymus. Thymus is a special gland below the Sternum bone on chest, a bit above the heart.

·        To add strength to the Bones, it is most essential to get 15 minutes of direct Sunlight on bare skin for about 15 days. Now... it may seem tough, but it explains why Foreigners love to Sunbathe in Goa. ??

Natural Calcium Plus SUNLIGHT add strength to Blood.

Natural..... means NATURAL.

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Not in pills, tablets, packaged goods, imported formulas..... NO.

At home in your privacy, get direct sunlight on your back for about 15 to 20 mins daily.

Have you thought of why Animals do not suffer from usual Blood diseases.... now you know why.... hmmmmm

Tips on Food and Diet:

Actually.... neither are as important as Dinchariya and Digestion.

Eat only when the Sun is in the sky

Let us see what really works...

You have seen animals lick their wounds. Nature has provided powerful Antibiotic strength in our Saliva.

This not only keeps food moist, is the first and important part of Digestion, it also regulates the good and bad bacteria in our Gut that convert food into energy.

1. Chew food properly till it is like a soup and then swallow.

2. Spend a little Awareness and Attention to the Taste and texture of food. It helps send correct Brain signals to the Liver, Pancreas and Gut to produce correct type and volume of Digestive juices for OPTIMUM digestion.

This helps avoiding acidity, gas, constipation.

Acidity and Constipation are among the 1st triggers of body weakness, disease complications.


By doing point 1, 2,... easy to overcome.

But these have to be daily habits.

3. Nature has set few rules. The Sun rises in a disciplined manner and all life forms (apart from humans) respect Dinchariya.

The presence of Natural Light triggers Brain activity and Awareness.

The body responds accordingly.

We are still very much a part of Nature.

Maintaining awaking/ sleep cycle closest to nature will change our Alertness and internal Battery potential. Change eating Time schedules and overall Energy will change.

Food is only actively converted into Usable Energy with proper digestion. Eating heavy dinners means sluggish conversion and compulsion to store as FAT.

Also... full tummy puts great pressure on lungs, diaphragm escalates snoring, disturbed sleep and toxin build-up in body.

In younger days... each must have experienced... being able to digest anything and any amount.

Today..... things hurt.

We must respect aging

·        Eat as much as your Body needs.... not as much as your tongue or mind demand.

Of course.... we must enjoy a dinner party and some of us a really heavy menu...

But you can only enjoy it if at all other times the tummy remains light.

Ok... now

Let's see what to eat.

All colours.





No food is bad.


You can digest it!!

Have fun and stay healthy!

thanks to all images taken from the web.


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