Be an empowered activist!
Leadership Institute Travels throughout the State of Florida training poll watchers / workers

Be an empowered activist!

Las Vegas: Excellent Venue, Delicious Food, Impeccable Service, Reasonable Prices
Las Vegas: Excellent Venue, Delicious Food, Impeccable Service, Reasonable Prices
Las Vegas: Excellent Venue, Delicious Food, Impeccable Service, Reasonable Prices
President Henry Zarb, Vice President Ed Vidal
Election Integrity is the #1 issue in 2024
Visit Miami-Dade County Elections Department website for information
Attend Training Sessions / Be Election Ready
Election Dates / Precinct Details / Ballots... all you need to be Election Ready
08-20-2024: Primaries / 11-05-2024 Election Day
Know the Rules that apply to the State where you vote
04-20-2024 at the Election Integrity Brigade meeting with the Leadership Institute
Candidates for Office received Media Training
The History of a Family's success
Very well organized event
Handouts Received
We met Hayley Ross running for Miami Beach School Board
We met Hayley Ross running for Miami Beach School Board = Website
We met Hayley Ross running for Miami Beach School Board = Newsletter
We met Hayley Ross running for Miami Beach School Board = Count on her to work on issues
We Love Las Vegas Restaurants!
05-01-2024 A message from Angela Faulkner from The Leadership Institute

05-01-2024 A message from Angela Faulkner from The Leadership Institute

Email: [email protected]

Thank you for attending the Leadership Institute's Training! Carlos and I enjoyed our time with you.?

The following information was received by those who attended the session at Las Vegas, Doral. It represents the?follow-up email with the instructions to download the presentation slides, videos shown, and referenced papers, along with other resources.

At the Leadership Institute, we are happy?to offer this and other courses in your community, thanks to the generosity of our donors!

If you are interested in having the Leadership Institute return to additional training, please let me know!

This email was long, but it was packed full of information to let us know that if we have any comments or suggestions about the training, to please reply to this? ?email with those!

  • Therefore, I replied by sending a link to both articles written, here is what I had to say: Thank you Angela Faulkner, If you are on LinkedIn, look me up, here are the Newsletters written:

  1. To encourage attendance:
  2. After the Meeting: Be an empowered activist:

Hope Reynolds, Author, Destroyed Dreams & Sue?os Destruidos


The trainings can be found at this link - 4.20.24 Election Integrity Brigade

Please let?Angela Faulkner know if there are any issues that with opening the PDF's. [WE HAD NO ISSUE] ? ??

The Leadership Institute representatives have two upcoming Webinar Trainings that you might be?interested in:

Please feel free to share these links and discount codes with?anyone who might be interested in joining.


The Leadership Institute (LI) offers a wide variety of trainings that range from 3 hours to 4 days, covering 48 different topics or schools. Topics range from communications and professional development to fundraising and political? ?campaigning. Please let me know if you are interested in hosting a training. To see a full list of the schools offered this year, visit . ? ? ?


You can view recordings of trainings similar to that - and even more in-depth? ?presentations - at this link: . ? While some courses are free, others have a tuition fee. If you are interested in doing an on-demand training please let me know and I can see if there is a discount code available!

SURVEY ? ? ?

Please fill out this survey so that LI can continue to be a resource for you: ? ? ? ?

Feel free to email me if you have any questions at [email protected] !? ? or

Carlos at [email protected] ! ? ? ?

We hope to see you at another training soon! ? Thanks!

My Survey responses:

5. Please leave any comments about the content of the trainings:

There was much discussion about Pennsylvania and it gave us an idea that the United States is not only divided by politics but divided by 'common sense' and there seems to be little if any in Pennsylvania elections processes.

6. What topics would you like to see at future trainings?

How do we hold the government accountable?

How do we STOP the madness in the USA?

How do we recognize that elected officials come and go but the SWAMP remains and continues to indoctrinate, manipulate and violate the Constitution, our Bill of Rights while ensuring job protection.

7. Would you like to have the Leadership Institute hold a training in your area?

The Leadership Institute already held a training in our area for we live rather close to Doral.

Any additional comments?

Thank you

In order to save the response that was submitted we have to sign in, no need, my response is my own!


Esperanza "Hope" Reynolds的更多文章

