Empower Youth and Take Care of Vulnerable
Muhiddin Tojiev
Conference Interpreter (English, Russian, Tajik) | Fundraiser | Social Philanthropist | Crowdfunder
Dear friends,
I am pleased to let you know that today, NGO SADOQAT is partnering with the EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Community Initiative (EBRD CI), which matches (doubles) funds raised for the projects the EBRD approves.
This year, the EBRD approved two projects of the NGO Sadoqat:
1) Project for the creation of a resource center for youth and women in Ghazantarak Village, Devashtich District; This project will improve the access to educational opportunities, including online courses, training activities on development of job and entrepreneurial skills, networking and empowerment for more than 5000 underserved youth and women in Devashtich District. The creation of such a center is gaining more importance at the backdrop of the situation with labor migrants in Russia lately; and?
2) Project for the procurement of administrative furniture for a new clinic facility in Neknot Village of Panjakent District. The project will improve access to quality healthcare services for more than 13,000 residents of four villages around Neknot.? According to the agreement we reached with other stakeholders, the facility’s building will be constructed by the Panjakent City Municipality, the refurbishment activities will be completed by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Building an Integrated System of Primary Healthcare (BaSIC) Project and our NGO will support the supply of administrative furniture.???
The NGO Sadoqat has until January 4, 2024 to raise EURO 37,000. You can get more detailed information about our causes on the fundraiser organized by the EBRD Tajikistan representatives: ?https://www.gofundme.com/f/empower-youth-and-take-care-of-vulnerable
Please feel free to check prior projects implemented by the NGO Sadoqat at: www.sadoqat.weebly.com
We would be extremely grateful if you could consider the possibility of donating to these causes and helping us improve the living standards of underserved people, particularly vulnerable youth and women in rural areas of Tajikistan and spread this information amongst your friends and family.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or need further information.
All your donations and contributions will be doubled by EBRD’s Community Initiative Program which is subject to the reporting requirements being met.