The lowest hanging fruit in your Oil & Gas Operations today...
Hey, Oil & Gas Producers~ did you know that the lowest hanging fruit in your operations today is to disseminate production information across your entire team?
Some of the most profitable oil & gas operators today have realized that leveraging their field personnel is one of the most effective (and underutilized) methods to pump more oil, waste less time, and make more money.
"Wait, what? Leverage our field guys? … What the heck do you think we pay these guys for?!"
You’re right. There's nothing new under the sun, and it’s been said that any pumper or foreman worth his salt shouldn’t need a lot of supervision....
A good employee should already know how to maximize a well’s production while minimizing production costs.
Still, we’re not talking about cracking the whip on your lease operators — we’re talking about engaging your crew in a creative, inventive, and more proactive way…
If you’re an owner or actively participate in your company’s wells, you’re the direct beneficiary of increased productivity.
The goal is to decrease the amount of work you do while ultimately achieving increased revenues.
The goal is to decrease the amount of work you do while ultimately achieving increased revenues.
This sets the stage for replacing yourself and your team members with automation, enabling every counterpart to work on the business, not in it.
Empowering field personnel refers to being able to accomplish many tasks or make certain types of repairs without first having to obtain the information.
What a simple mobile can do is blend the new with the old…
Where pumpers have virtually no interaction with our properties connected with SCADA and telemetry, manual data collection via mobile apps force pumpers to tune-in to the pulse of the well while still eliminating much of the work for the folks in-house.
You can even take it a step further and bring in your SCADA to the Greasebook so its data is not only centralized but also complemented by the data from your pumpers (think run tickets, comments, well tests, well history files, and the like...)
And for production assets with no remote monitoring, mobile workflows enable dispersed pumpers to submit their data to a centralized place from which we can not only better manage our production but from which pumpers can better manage themselves.
This pays out dividends in time savings to engineers and operations managers, who no longer have to spend time micro-managing their pumpers, and admin who no longer have to compile and forward out production reports to management.
For field personnel, whether it be your head pumper or field supervisor, the goal is to have complete access to necessary info and as much independent decision-making ability as possible…
For field personnel, whether it be your head pumper or field supervisor, the goal is to have complete access to necessary info and as much independent decision-making ability as possible…
For the producer, the idea is to grant as much information and independent decision-making ability to his army of pumpers, consultants, and field personnel as he’s comfortable with…
And given the right information, you’d be surprised just how much your guys are able to take off your plate!
Teams are not machines, they are composed of people.
Today, the Big Boys are eyeing smaller, more nimble operators with increasing envy…
Many aspects of their legacy software systems which took the better part of a decade to design and build, can now be replicated by the small independent operator, with better results by using a simple mobile app in less than an afternoon.
Many aspects of their legacy software systems which took the better part of a decade to design and build, can now be replicated by the small independent operator, with better results by using a simple mobile app in less than an afternoon.
In many respects, the sociological aspects that consumer tech is built upon can now deliver more than the hired expertise or even the money that larger operators have always been able to deploy.
And, while the legacy systems may be too well stitched into the fibers of the Majors for them to abandon, your company is probably very different…
When consumer tech (smartphones & tablets) is invited into the company and takes over the computation and dissemination of information, people all the way down the line learn to be effective decision-makers.
You don’t have to solve the production problem for the whole institution — if you can solve issues for your people, you’ll be way ahead.
And, if your group is more productive, that just proves you’re a better manager.
Now, by blending consumer tech with the lessons learned from the Big Boys, your piece of production can hop.
- Greg
PS If disseminating production information across your entire team via a simple mobile app sounds interesting to you, click 'Learn More' button below then schedule a 5 Minute 'Prove It' Call here >>
→ Achieve results in less than 1 week.
→ "No-sweat" company set-up, turn-keyed by a Petroleum Engineer.
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Schedule your 5 Minute 'Prove It' Call here >>