Today we have to think of EDUCATE MEN to EMPOWER WOMEN.We can see all most all EVILS are coming from MEN .RAPE,women Harassing, Beating,Suicide,Dowry Death,LIQUOR,NARCOTICS,CORRUPTION etc.etc.BUTR THE MEN ARE NOT EDUCATING TO AVOID THIS HABIT.We are educating women to escape from this DEEDS.
We have to start a NEW THINKING TO EDUCATE MEN from the womb of Mother to the End.We have developed 7 Cs , Confidence,conmpetence,connectivity,Contribution,Character,Coping Skills,CONTROL to educate, train, aware in Six Stages of LIFE 1)pregnancy Period(PLANNED PARENT HOOD)2)Birth to 3years 3)4years to 18 years 4)19 years to 35 years 5)36 years to 70 years 6)71 years to burial.
we request we can work on this idea and make a CHANGE-nocermathew-919446988866