Empower A Cutlure...Increase Performance!

Empower A Cutlure...Increase Performance!

Empower a culture-- increase productivity... three simple things we can do!

1. Embrace an attitude of gratitude. When employees/team members feel valued and appreciated, they are more invested in their work. Acts of kindness and/or gratiude produces the greatest amount of impact for those we lead.

2. Include employees/team members in the overall mission or vision of the company. Is the mission statement posted? Does everyone understand the vision and what instrumental part they play in that, no matter how big or small? 

3. Reward employees/team members for going the "extra mile". There's very little traffic on the extra mile! People are recognition driven, income driven or a bit of both. Find their need, fill their need, follow thru.

Brainstorm with me...what would you add to this list?


Laura Klein - M.ED, BS的更多文章

