Empower 39: GDPI: The evergreen dilemma for first timers!!

Empower 39: GDPI: The evergreen dilemma for first timers!!

#Group discussion and #Personal Interview has been there for donkey years and is there to stay for donkey years more.

A group discussion is not a debate is an age old answer. What not to do in a discussion is also available in plenty. However what not to do is similar to any other ‘constraint’ or ‘restraint’ which rarely is adhered to, for centuries. And hence trainers are always on demand.

I cannot desist from suggesting, ‘look up my YouTube channel ‘VCANINSPIRE’. There are useful things for most youngsters on the various aspects of ‘communication’. GDPI is a part of communication too, although it is more than that.

Now let us come to the point. Here are some quick fix hints on GD. For details you may give a knock on my contact. We will find time to elaborate further.

1.??? The time one gets on GD is not more than 3 to 4 minutes

2.??? Any topic can be handled if a structured thought process is followed. One of the methods is outlined below.

a.??? What is the topic and the words/terms used in the topic? ---So defining the topic or the terms

b.??? What are the features/ characteristics of the topic or the terms?

c.??? What are the types or varieties of it?

d.??? How the various uses and ?functions can be seen

e.??? What are the advantages or benefits?

f.???? What re the disadvantages/limitations?

3.??? One can express oneself on the above lines without having to counter or agree to what others are saying or have said.

4.??? One need not be for or against something.

Thus one can say, ‘The topic means ….. or the term .. means ….. As its features are ….. I find that it has the following uses or functions. Hence it has the following benefits to ….. Some of the aspects have been covered during our discussion, However it also has the following ….

The above approach gives entirely your thought process. It is not dependent upon what others have said. Neither is there a tendency to refute others. One can avoid toeing the line of other participants.

A discussion is to bring out the ability to delve into a subject, analyze and express what one has thought about. It is also a way of adding to the discussion generated.

PI or personal interview is a little more complex. Again there are enough material on this topic and practical tips in demo interviews. Some essentials on this front are as follows:

1.??? Be very clear about yourself—by writing down. Among all the chronology, one can develop a clarity on :

a.??? Who and what have influenced you significantly? What advice, suggestion, act of your parents have left a mark? Who among teachers, friends and well- wishers have impact on your characteristics? What books, characters, personalities have specifically influenced you

b.??? What were the turning points in your life?

c.??? What were you good at during your school, college, institution?

2.??? ?

·???????? Why do you want to do what you have applied for?

·???????? What do you know about us and what we do?

·???????? Do you have any goal?

·???????? How do you engage yourself during leisure? Any interest and how deep?

3.??? Given this situation how will your respond?

4.??? Do you have any questions?

5.??? How much and in what clarity do you know of your subjects? ( There would a series on this part.) the application of the domain knowledge is equally desirable.

6.??? Do you know your country and general things?

For e.g. Why MBA? Unless you know what is it, how can you answer why? To know what is it, one must know what is business, what are managed in business and what functions are to be managed and how or with what objective? Only a knowledge of this will give you a clarity on why MBA.

Your domain knowledge is essential to show what has been your learning method. Your keenness in learning is sought.

The preparation can start now. It does take time to practice. You cannot know how to answer clearly and in short without practicing. Postponing the practice keeps you fearful and anxious. There is competition of course.

Good luck.

Dr. Srk

CEO ‘vcaninspire’



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