Employers are invited to CareerSource Tampa Bay's Virtual Job Fair - May 13, 2021
Mario Rodriquez
Workforce Development, Veterans Advocate, Leadership, Operations, Management, P/T DBS Recruiter
This message is aimed at businesses in the Tampa Bay area that have open positions they are actively seeking candidates to fill. I will send out information for Job Seekers next week.
I know in-person job fairs are not happening due to Covid-19. I know people are hesitant about coming out and being in a room or an area with a bunch of other people. That is why we are having a virtual job fair and I am excited to invite you to the annual CareerSource Tampa Bay General Job Fair Event on Thursday, May 13, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., which will be held virtually.
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. We expect to have close to 80 local and national employers attending. The event is open to the public and free for both employers and career seekers. With this being a virtual event, it allows for more career seeker participation, resulting in more opportunities for both career seeker and employers.
To register click on this link: https://tinyurl.com/GeneralJobFair-Employers
The last day to register will be Tuesday, May 11, 2021, with no exceptions.
Note: If you already have an account with Premier Virtual and have attended our virtual events in the past, DO NOT create another account. Just click on the link, click REGISTER, and use the same email and password to complete the registration process.
Registration and Confirmation:
- To learn more about how to register and complete your profile, please watch this YouTube video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75-8ynjh3JM&feature=youtu.be
2. We ask that you complete your employer profile to include adding any and all vacancies you have so that applicants can apply for your positions. Job seekers will not stay long in your booth if you show zero (0) vacancies. The more vacancies you have listed the more successful you will be in obtaining interest in your positions. The platform is set up so that career seekers can click on your job vacancies and click ‘apply’. Without vacancies you will not be successful in gaining applicants for your open positions.
3. Virtual Booth Set Up:
*Complete the following checklist within 24 hours of registering. You can complete this by logging in and being in your in your DASHBOARD.
a. Upload a logo b. Add Vacancies c. Add Company Bio d. Add 3 Custom Links e. Add Social Media Links
- You will receive email confirmation confirming your participation in the job fair. If you don’t receive confirmation within 24-48 hours, please check to make sure you have completed #3 above.
If you have any questions about the Virtual Job Fair Platform, contact:
Ms. Astrid Mosterd (813) 397-2090 [email protected]
Ms. Maginda Montero (813) 532-7539 [email protected]
We look forward to working with you and helping you recruit top-notch candidates for your organization!