One of the key drivers of attracting and retaining talented and committed employees is having established a widely accepted reputation as an employer of choice; of being an organisation that has developed a supportive and nurturing work environment where people love to work and take pride in sharing their rewarding experience with others.
Whilst there is no one universal formula for developing a culture of excellence that attracts and retains the best of the best, there are however common attributes amongst those business organisations that have achieved ‘employer of choice’ status.
So how do you know? How do you assess your reputation as an employer of choice?
Some of those attributes are revealed in the following questions adapted from Excellence at Work by Sandy Asch.
- Do your employees love to work for your company?
- Do they share with others how much they enjoy their work?
- Are all your employees deeply engaged in their work?
- Is the full potential of every employee being realised?
- Are your employees planning on staying with your company/organisation for the foreseeable future?
- Do you have a culture of psychological safety where all staff can speak up without risk of humiliation, ridicule or retribution; where employees can feel confident and valued for their contribution and ideas? ?
- Are truth telling and risk taking encouraged and rewarded?
- Are all communications, both internal and external, open, honest, and transparent?
- Are employees trusted to take responsibility for how they do their respective jobs?
- Are employees empowered to rectify customer complaints without reference to a higher authority?
- Do your people quickly take ownership of problems and proactively seek solutions?
- Is there a high level of cooperation and collaboration across your organisation??
- Are people respectful and seek to bring out the best in each other?
- Is achieving healthy work-life balance for all employees a business priority?
- Do employees trust and respect their managers and feel valued and supported?
- Are your leaders trusted and respected?
- Are all employees treated equally and fairly?
- Are employees properly rewarded and recognised for good performance?
- Is your business financially sound guaranteeing future job security?
- Are there ongoing opportunities for growth and development?
- Are employees encouraged to contribute and make a difference?
- Do you collectively celebrate your wins?
- Are employees proud to work for your organisation?
- Do your employees recommend your company to their friends as a good place to work?
Creating a culture of excellence and becoming an employer of choice, don’t happen by default. Identical to the tried and true process of providing great customer service, they happen as a result of detailed design, disciplined delivery, and distinctive delight.
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