Employer Branding 101: Address Key Issues Upfront

Employer Branding 101: Address Key Issues Upfront

Many organizations rest on their laurels because they believe their corporate brand is strong enough to overcome any short-term fallouts or negativity that may impact their employer brand. Or, that sharing stories in the press or on social media will change perceptions that exist. Or, that stakeholders have short memories and will forget the issues of the past.

Without giving much thought to the Employee Value Proposition and curating initiatives around it, niggling issues will prevent organizations from moving forward.?According to a Gartner study, in 2023, the EVP will evolve from focusing on benefits to becoming a broader set of values, support, and recognition.?

Here are a few that need quick redressal.?

  1. Not understanding perceptions: While we love to live in the moment, when it comes to making important career choices (joining a workplace is a crucial decision), we often look for signs of stability, learnability, and a safe environment. For these, we turn to sources we trust and not to organizational mouthpieces. Unless we are convinced the place is right or safe to be ourselves, we hesitate. There are enough stories of workplace bullying, harassment, and egos ruining careers – so people are wary. Organizations can create and reclaim trust by inviting prospective candidates into the office to ‘touch and feel’ the workplace and culture before making decisions.?
  2. Not knowing the real influencers: When we focus only on appeasing the ‘audiences’ we miss out on how these audiences make decisions. It isn’t that they always go with their own gut feeling. They often refer to their friends, families, and peers. For example, in India, parents play a key role in the career decisions that their children make. This means, if the corporate or talent brands haven’t touched the lives of the older generation, they may not be fully convinced about allowing their wards to take up roles in such entities.?
  3. Following the herd: It is human nature to do what others do. The psychology of doing so is a survival mechanism - protecting ourselves and from getting spotted. With people making decisions in organizations, it is obvious we end up with decisions that are closer to what others in the community think or do. Trying to be different is perceived as a ‘risk’. Organizations need to revisit how they craft and communicate their employee value proposition and narrative. Prospective candidates seek organizations who stand out from the crowd and also take a stand on issues that matter. What stops organizations from stating their point of view and taking action on relevant subjects like climate change, equity at the workplace, civil rights, and ethical business practices??
  4. Not using data intelligently: Going by ‘gut’ feeling may work at times. However, one needs to invest in a data-centric approach to build a strong business case, influence decision-makers and create value for your employer's branding effort. When was the last time, trends, apart from hiring metrics or labor market statistics, were discussed? What about the state of the candidate's experience? What do prospective candidates think of brands operating locally? What is the mindset of agencies towards hiring? Without a holistic approach, so-called employer branding efforts are wasteful.?
  5. A reactive approach to engagement: Often, employer branding interventions are based on what other firms are practicing. Instead of focusing on how the specific organization's needs align with the employee value proposition, leaders end up investing a great deal of time in reacting to situations and actions taken by others. A proactive and continual approach will require maturity, willingness to take risks, and investing resources where most needed.?

The reason most employer branding efforts fail is because of the focus on short-term gains. It is very unlikely you would see a plan for engagement lasting a few weeks to a quarter at best. Addressing key issues upfront can prevent the organization from sliding into the same zone as others. To stand out, organizations need to be brave, bold, and brilliant.?

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Keen to get advice on communication? Look it up here: https://www.intraskope.com/advantage ?

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Janet Hitchen FIIC ??

Internal Communication Leader and Strategist | Fractional Internal Communication Director/Head | Sustainability Communication | Fractional Client Services Director | Mentor | Team Do Radio | Ex Apple

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