To Employees Who Want to Be Noticed...But Aren't
1. Try to be hard to replace. Do the unpopular tasks. Be the guy who opens the factory gate at 4:30 in the morning, or who can crawl into the attic to change the a/c filters.
2. Don’t complain that your boss is unfair. Your boss may be giving you all the hard jobs because he feels you need the experience, or because he feels that you are the most dependable person he has. In any case, don’t worry about what is unfair, life is unfair. Maybe he/she just doesn’t like you. If you gripe, or if you don’t do the work, then he/she will have a reason for not liking you.
3. Attend all office parties or functions to which you are invited. Often a supervisor or employer will go through a lot of trouble and expense to arrange a party or event – go, and try to have a good time.
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