Employees Will Think and Act Like Entrepreneurs

Employees Will Think and Act Like Entrepreneurs

The future of work is entrepreneurial. People who will want to fit in will become act more like entrepreneurs than employees. You don’t have to start a business to be an entrepreneur. You can work for someone and still act entrepreneurially.

In the future, employees who act like entrepreneurs will be those who leverage their employer’s system. They will be focused on value creation and instead of inventing new wheels, they will prefer to leverage the wheel their employer has already created. Entrepreneurship is hard. There are people who may not be able to take the time to build a business from the ground up.

The key to employee success will be to create value. This consists of concepts, methods, tools and strategies that produce transformative results for the employer and the marketplace. Employees who are entrepreneurial will become very useful in the workplace.

While the primary motivation of most employees is to make a living by earning a salary, that of employees who are entrepreneurial?isn’t money, but self-actualization. They work to attain freedom so that they can reach their full potential.

These kinds of employees will be multipliers, adders, relievers, simplifies, and amplifiers. They think different and act differently from others. There are not interested in being part of the status quo but are rather motivated by growth and value creation. They understand that their future is only limited by their ability to create value. As such they are always focused on developing their ability to create value.

Most entrepreneurs are frustrated working with employees who are just happy to have a job. Entrepreneurs need a team of like-minded people with complementary capabilities. In the future the divide between employer and employee will be very blurred as everyone will act as if they own the company. That is because they are highly invested in the success of the company. They all have a stake in the outcome.

Employees who are not entrepreneurial in the future will hardly find jobs. Some bureaucratic corporations will still want employees who want to be part of the status quo. Those corporations will have fewer and less value creation activities within them as such their future will continually get smaller and smaller. They will be disrupted by companies that accept the new way of working where every employee is an owner and an entrepreneur.

At Value Giver Coach, we help companies and employees transition into the future of work. In future of work, every employee that is not entrepreneurial will not feel at home in such an environment. The company runs on entrepreneurial fuel which happens to be the culture.

Key Traits of Entrepreneurial Employees

1. Self-Responsible: They are responsible for the results they produce and their economic security. They understand that their economic security is dependent on the ability to create value, not on their employer or the salary they receive.

2. Entitlement Free: They escape dependency on their employer and their salary by adopting value creation mindsets and developing value creation capabilities.

3. Focus on Uniqueness: They focus on what makes them unique from others. They develop a unique combination of capabilities that sets them apart from everyone and makes them valuable and irreplaceable.

4. Unique Capability Collaborative: They are not competitive but rather focus on how to bring their uniqueness to their team. They are constantly looking for ways to collaborate with others to create a bigger and better value.

5. Self-Transforming: They are always learning, growing, improving, and creating new forms of value. They don’t work for status but for freedom so they invest in their growth to become a better version of themselves. They are committed to never-ending growth.

6. Committed To Increasing Value Creation: They are committed to always creating value for everyone within the workplace. They focus on being heroes to everyone. Value creation is their job description.

7. Focus on Impact: They are focused on transforming others and making impact. When you focus on producing results, you end up impacting lives.

We are organizing a Game-Changing Value Creator Coaching program. You can be part and should be part. It is for you. If you want to attain freedom and find fulfillment at work, then become a value creator.

Be part of the Game-Changer Value Creation Coaching program. You will go through the mindset required to create and the tools you need to always create value in the workplace. Are you ready for a fundamental change- a breakthrough in the way you approach your work? If you are, then you are ready for the Value Giver Coach Program. Please call +2348101671745.

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