Employee Tips for Successful Performance Reviews
Adriana Lacy Consulting
A full service digital content consulting firm that helps companies grow their digital audiences.
Welcome back to the Balanced Professional, your bi-weekly newsletter giving you insights on how to rock this whole work/life thing.
We’re going to break down a major stressor today - employee performance reviews. Find out why they are important and how to get the most out of them.
Important For Business - More Important For You
While we all know the not-so-pleasant feeling of sitting down with bosses you might not even interact with daily and getting told how you are doing, there is logic behind it. Here’s the thing, performance reviews happen whether you are in the room or not. There is always some deciding factor behind why someone gets a raise or promotion. Taking the employee out of the employee evaluation just means those decisions will be made without your voice thrown in.
Performance reviews can garner trust between employees and management, open up doors to career and learning opportunities, improve your ability to speak your mind and trust yourself, and the so important raise we all want.
Perfecting Your Part
When it comes down to it the employee review is all about you - the employee! Here’s how you can turn this situation into an opportunity and begin looking forward to these reviews.
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We’re helping this newsletter inspire the next generation of working professionals to put their best foot forward. Balancing work with life also involves feeling empowered at your job and knowing what the next steps are.
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Here’s our tip for the day: Avoid the sunk cost trap. This is when you don’t change something that isn’t working because you’ve put too much time or energy into it and don’t want that time wasted to be for nothing. Instead, acknowledge that feeling, re-focus on your goal, and reframe how you are going to get there. Now you know what doesn’t work and can focus on what does!
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