Employee Spotlight: Meet Roger

Employee Spotlight: Meet Roger

Where are you from?

I was born in Huntsville, Alabama but I am now living in Atlanta, Georgia. I grew up as a military brat and moved with my father throughout the United States and Germany during my childhood.

Tell us about your role at Fenestrae

I have been part of the Fenestrae team for 24 years! I am a Global Support Engineer, serving customers and partners with technical support, remote installation and assistance.?

What is your favorite thing about your job?

I love that my role is technically challenging as customers always find new issues and requirements for me to solve. I also enjoy building relationships with long term customers. The Fenestrae team is incredible too, it is awesome to work with colleagues I’ve known for many years or decades!

What are some of your best skills?

My best skill is my ability to listen to our customers and figure out what they see as their issues even if they don’t understand what is causing the problem. I find enjoyment from researching to find answers to new problems that we encounter each day.

What do you like to do for fun outside of work?

I love watching sports and am an avid sports fan, especially Baseball and Football. I am also a semi-serious poker player, playing for over 20 years. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.



