Employee Satisfaction Survey - Sample questionnaire
Shashi Kumar TS (Blue Ocean Consulting)
Human : Philosophy : RajaYoga Practitioner : Visiting Faculty for MBA : Business Intelligence : Startups : Fire, Life, Safety, Automation expert : Life Coach : Trainer : Project Management : Supply Chain Management
Mail to [email protected] with the above subject line. Please ...
(The inputs of this survey are used only for the purposes of research and all information given by the respondents shall be kept strictly confidential)
Name… Age: Years Sex : M/F Designation : ` Organisation: No. Of employees in your organization :(1) < 100 (2) 100 to 500 (3) 500 to 1000 (4) > 1000 No of years of Experience: No. of years in present organization: Qualification :
1. Nature of Work : Field (includes Projects site) / Office / Both / Others (Please specify)
2. Do you like your work : Yes/No
If “No” is the answer state three reasons
3. Do you feel your work is respected and valued in your organization by your peers (people working
at your level) : Yes/No
If “No” is the answer state three reasons
4. Do you feel your work is valued in your organization by your Subordinates (people reporting to you) : Yes/No
If “No” is the answer state three reasons
5. Do you feel your work is valued by your superiors? : Yes/No
If “No” is the answer state three reasons
6. Does your organization support all with IT Gadgets: Yes / No (Tick those applicable)
(Like Mobile/ Mobile SIM/Laptop/ Others etc)
7. Have you received any awards from your Management : Yes/No
If yes please provide details :
8. Have you received any written appreciation from your superiors: Yes / No
If yes please provide details :
9. Has your Management sponsored you for external trainings in the last two years : Yes / No
If Yes please share the details and the number of years
1. in the last one year
2. Last two years
10. What improvement you suggest to make your work place better?
11. Any other comments. Remarks/opinions to share?
12. Please rate the importance given by the Management to the below factors in your office/ premises
In a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest in importance and 1 being the lowest in importance.
1. Safety
2. Layout & house keeping
3. Lighting
4. Noise
5. Vibration
6. working hours
7. Overtime
8. Ambience in Work environment
9 Ergonomics
10. Physical activities
Thank you for your feedback. It will help in many ways.
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