An employee perk that pays off: Continuing Education

An employee perk that pays off: Continuing Education

Welcome to Beyond the Zoom Square: a monthly installment by your team at Motivo sharing the latest industry news, compliance updates, and anything else mental health and/or clinical supervision - related. Let’s get clinical, clinical, we wanna get clinical, clinical… RIP Olivia Newton-John.?

Continuing Education is not unique to mental health clinicians. Continuing Education is a term that is understood as a post-secondary learning or program to maintain licensure or certification and expand your knowledge on a certain subject matter.?

Continuing Education is available for all types of professions. But we all know we are here to talk about one industry / profession in specific: mental health.?

Continuing Education for mental health clinicians is more than building up expertise in the field, it is also about building up stamina and sustainability as a therapist. And different from other professions, Continuing Education is required for all mental health clinicians in order to keep your license. Clinicians are required to have a certain amount of CE credits depending on the state.?

This means the clinicians at your company or in your practice have to devote time out of the workday or weekend towards Continuing Education. These credits can be consumed in a variety of ways from multi-day conferences, one-off seminars, and other events.?

One conference we are particularly excited for is the Black Mental Health Symposium (shout out to LaTonya Summers ) that kicks off today and one where our Chief Clinical Officer, Carla Smith, PhD LCSW LMFT is going to be speaking on mental health access and equity. Two days of expert panels with up to 12 CE credits available if you attend all of the sessions.?

However… these conference opportunities don’t happen all the time, especially one with such an important focus.?

For big picture reference, social workers in Georgia need a minimum of 35 CE credits within the two year license renewal cycle.?

Because of these requirements, Continuing Education is sometimes seen in the same light as clinical supervision - checking a box. We want clinicians to be excited about Continuing Education and excited about supervision, to see these requirements as an opportunity to learn. We want to check that box with vigor!

We know this topic isn’t new. We hear clinician’s frustration and exhaustion of having to attend CE courses that aren’t relevant or just aren’t captivating.?

But what is more frustrating is that clinicians are required to do these hours on top of their other responsibilities - taking time out of their weekend or after the workday to just get it over with.?

So what is the solution?

  • Including Continuing Education in the job description?
  • Emphasizing CE courses as a priority to grow as a clinician?
  • Covering the expense of CE course opportunities for clinicians on staff?
  • Allowing time and space for CE courses during the workweek?

These are just a few of our ideas. Plus one big idea we have been working on… Motivo Learning, our very own Continuing Education program!?

Motivo Learning launching this Fall - sign up to receive updates as they come.

More on that at a later time, we want to bring it back to the important and often missing piece in Continuing Education: intention. Clinicians want to go into the CE courses with the intention to learn, grow, and evolve.

The employee perk that pays off is Continuing Education - something that clinician’s need for their license and employer’s need for career development.?

The latest from our Compliance Specialist, Dr. HerMaya Onunwor, DSW, LISW-S

As of Aug. 22, the California House and Senate approved California Assembly Bill 1758 turning a COVID-era executive order into law and allowing remote supervision in all settings.

Resource here and highlighted in a piece around our Series A announcement by Annie Burky in Fierce Healthcare .

Start your Mondays with our CEO? Rachel Ledbetter, LMFT ?

Start your Monday morning with our CEO and Co-Founder, Rachel McCrickard, as she shares her thoughts and reflections on current events and the mental health landscape. Find Past MWM Here:?

Motivo on the Road

AHIP Consumer Experience and Digital Health Forum 2022

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Rachel Ledbetter, LMFT and Mack B. are heading off to Nashville, TN to learn about digital health best practices and hear from innovative and expert speakers in the space.??

Better Together: the Georgia Conference on Children & Families 2022

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Will Crane is spreading word of the Motivo mission in Augusta, GA! October 12 - 14, anyone else going to be there that we should meet???

Beyond the LinkedIn Newsletter: Follow us on our other social channels!

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That’s all for now! Thanks for subscribing and reading this Beyond the Zoom Square installment. Are there other topics you want to hear about? Or anything that came up for you upon reading this? Comment below.


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