Employee Orientation--The Next Generation
How does your organization handle employee orientation? First impressions can only be made once and your employees are one of your most important pieces of your business. It must be done right. We have gone from the archaic Baby Boomers (which I am one) to the to Gen Y or also known as millenials to now we are in the Gen Z cycle of evolution. Regardless of which generation we all need jobs to survive. As such company's need to be prepared. Part of that preparation is to have a solid employee orientation program that resonates with this generation.
According to Harry Wallop of the Telegraph they are too young to remember 9/11, they have grown up in a world in political and financial turmoil. As a result, they are keen to look after their money, and make the world a better place. A report by Sparks & Honey, a US advertising agency (it is invariably ad agencies which try to fix labels to people), describes this generation as the "first tribe of true digital natives" or "screenagers". But unlike the older Gen Y, they are smarter, safer, more mature and want to change the world. Their pin-up is Malala Yousafzai, the Pakastani education campaigner, who survived being shot by the Taliban, and who became the world's youngest ever Nobel Prize recipient.
They are -- to their cynical Gen X parents -- almost nauseatingly worthy, keen to volunteer and aware that an education is to be treasured. Sparks & Honey says 60 per cent of them want to have an impact on the world, compared with 39 per cent of Millennials.
So how do you retain this next generation of employees? You start with a great onboarding process that demonstrates your organizations commitment to staying on top of technology and stream lined processes, enabling them to have more freedoms and time to pursue their dreams and volunteer efforts while at the same time helping your organization grow and expand. It needs to be a win win for everyone.
How can that be accomplished? By being smart, by implementing technology and processes that demonstrate your organizations commitment to efficiency and process control. A good way to demonstrate that is to start with the OnBoarding process by automating as much of those tasks as possible and providing an online experience to complete all the enrollments and documentation to bring somebody into your organization. There is no better way than to implement a system built on enterprise content management (ECM) to demonstrate your commitment and show that you understand their generation. Perhaps the future will look something like this:
contact Integra Paperless Business Solutions to get started. www.integraecm.com