Employee Net Promoter Score

Employee Net Promoter Score

Employee engagement refers to the enthusiasm and dedication an employee has for their job. Engaged employees care about their work and its impact on the company. They see their well-being as linked to their performance and recognize its importance for the company's success.

One way to measure employee engagement is to use the Net promoter score. Employees are most likely to recommend the business or organization when they are happy with their employee experience.? Engaged employees give a high net promoter score.

How can you maintain a high NPS?

Productive employees are happy employees. A clear job description or clarity on what an employee is expected to do is a key driver of employee engagement. The employee who knows how to do their job are engaged employees. Strong onboarding programs, continuous upskilling (training, coaching, mentoring), and constant check-ins between managers and their direct reports ensure employees know how to do their jobs.

Employees who know how their work will be measured or what it looks like when they do a good job are engaged employees. Clarity on the technical work and expected behavior informs culture as well as the organization's strategic plans. Investing in performance management is how employees get clarity on the important focus areas leading to employee engagement and a high NPS.

Do you want a positive NPS? Invest in clarifying what you want your employees to do, how they do it, and Performance Management.

Planning your people strategy for 2025?

Contact us on 0703 401 988

?Let’s aim for a high NPS!


