Employee engagement: What Creating Shared Value strategies can do
Last week I wrote about the positive impact on community engagement that effective #sharedvalue strategies can have. The same can be said about employee engagement. Here's an example relating to our globally recognised #sharedvalue strategy, Community Bank?. This is an email I got from an ex-BEN employee recently. No reason for them to gild the lily.
" ... I just had to tell you that I have a tear or two drying on my cheeks as I write this – proud and humble both at once, of my association with BEN.
Today I’m working from home and was looking for some inspiration to take to my ... colleagues on the subject of reinvention. So I googled one of my favourite quotes, from Ghandi, thinking to get a nice poster-like frame for it: “be the change you want to see in the world”.
What I found simply choked me up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgjVint1boQ. I obviously missed BEN’s ”Be the change” campaign – so it hit me with its undiluted first impression impact ... – and felt the need to tell you how much this clip moved me. Day in, day out, you are doing something great – and are part of something wonderful.
I’m so happy for you and proud of you … and often nostalgic for the days when I was part of it too."