Employee Engagement VS Employee Manipulation
Jacob Morgan
5x Best-Selling Author, Futurist, & Keynote Speaker. Founder of Future Of Work Leaders (Global CHRO Community). Focused on Leadership, The Future of Work, & Employee Experience
Employee engagement is at the center of a lot of conversations inside of organizations these days. The problem is, investment in employee engagement has never been higher while the employee engagement scores have never been lower. So what is causing this disconnect?
Click here to this week's minisode.
Most organizations want their employees to be happy while working, however they are going about it the wrong way. Instead of redesigning the core workplace practices around the employees, organizations are keeping their outdated workplace practices while trying to give the employees special perks, thinking that will make them happy.
To truly impact your employee experience you must start by redesigning your core workplace practices. When organizations decide to forgo this step with the employees in mind and they choose to simply throw some perks at the employees, it can feel like employee manipulation. If you want to have engaged employees, start with redesigned core workplace practices.
Watch the companion video here.
Jacob Morgan is a best-selling author, speaker, and futurist. His new book, The Employee Experience Advantage (Wiley) analyzes over 250 global organizations to understand how to create a place where people genuinely want to show up to work. Visit TheFutureOrganization, get his free training series to create powerful Employee Experiences, or become a member of the new Facebook Community The Future If…and join the discussion.??
Specialist accountant for healthcare professionals
6 年Great awareness around employee management here! Great post.
Modular Housing Evangelist
6 年Engagement is a four letter word for me. It is a flawed lens. But it need not be that way. We are living in times of intense change. Engagement, as a measure needs to evolve to reflect that reality. I am engaged this month and completely disengaged the next and then re-engaged a week later. We need to recalibrate expectations around what engagement needs to mean instead of dismaying about what the number is today. On a related note we need to stop asking about engagement and start inferring based on transactional evidence.
Slingin' shitters and helping to Clean-up the world, one BUTT at a time! #ITSALLGOODONTHISADVENTURE
6 年Employee engagement starts and ends with employee sponsored policy and procedure. Evolution of an organization directly impacts profitability......evolution starts in the "trenches". My point......you shouldn't engage, you should ACTIVATE your people to elicit change.
Expert People-Connector ?? | HR & Talent Management Consultant | Agile & Lean Operating Models | Beach Volleyball Amateur ??
6 年Hi Jacob— interesting post. What do you define as “core” from your variables other than policies, procedures, environment design and manager mindset? This is an area I am highly interested in. I’m currently a MS I-O Psychology student and agree with your viewpoint here. However, I'd like you to consider a few other factors or viewpoints. Take a listen to Martin Seligman’s TED talk on Positive Psychology and the various types of happiness. Perhaps we need to think of how the organization fulfills employees on these various levels by way of “core” practices (policies, procedures, environment design and manager mindsets)
Connecting leaders who want to learn with their peers.
6 年Most "engagement" model are based on the wrong assumption that is employees are "happy" they will be engaged, productive and great with customers. The real reason people feel engaged is when they have what they need to do their job, coaches who care and a chance to show what they can do.