Employee Development Plan
Employee Development refers to steps taken by an organization to enhance the skills of an employee and motivate him to acquire new knowledge and leanings. Employee development activities upgrade an individual’s existing knowledge, sharpen his skills and also prepare him to take up new opportunities in the future.
As a result of trainings and employee development activities, employees face adverse conditions, unforeseen situations and challenges with a smile.
There are two types of employee development Plans:
- Professional Growth Such employee development plans are created to help individuals in their career growth. In such a plan, a team manager sits with his team members and designs growth plans with specific deadlines as to when the development goals can be accomplished. It is essential to give deadlines to employees for them to take trainings and employee development activities seriously. Employees are encouraged to attend training sessions, seminars, conferences to acquire new skills and knowledge.
- Improvement Managers design a performance improvement plan also called as PIP and create an action plan to help employees improve their performance. Employees are trained not only for their professional development but also for their personal growth. Initiatives are taken to improve behavioral skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills which would help them in the long run.
Five steps to help make sure your employees’ development plans are on point:
Step 1: Consider business goals
Step 2: Talk to your employees
Step 3: Recognize potential vs. readiness
Step 4: Consider all types of training and development
Step 5: Create a plan for before, during and after
Creating a employee development plans not only helps you make your workforce more effective and knowledgeable, but you can also improve employee satisfaction. And when your employees are happy, they’re less likely to go looking for work elsewhere.
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