Employee Assessment – An Important Tool to Enhance Their Performance

Employee Assessment – An Important Tool to Enhance Their Performance

Employee assessments are an effective tool for managing employee performance. On some occasions, assessments can cause anger and negativity, particularly if an employee feels the evaluation was personally critical. However, it is important to conduct assessments to help your workers grow professionally as your company strives to reach its objectives. When paired with positive feedback, constructive comments and a clear recipe for change, doing employee assessments can be an experience that you and your employees do not have to dread.

 Arrange for regular employee assessments. Assessments are a good time to interact with employees about their performance, potential for growth, limitations and strengths. It also provides employees with the opportunity to discuss issues with you. When you schedule employee assessments on a regular basis, you can help your employees grow professionally and assist the company get closer to achieving its objectives. Write down what you want to evaluate. You can address employee productivity, absenteeism, progress towards discussed goals, job performance, professional behaviors and skills and knowledge. Consider using a scale of 1 to 5 to grade each item you evaluate, with the number 5 representing excellent employee performance. Under each item you evaluate, give yourself space to write how an employee did well or needs to improve.

 Use job descriptions to aid your assessments. A good job description can serve as the basis or standard on which you measure an employee's satisfactory performance. Javitch states that elements of a job description that you can measure an assessment include an employee's responsibilities, basic job functions, goals, performance and reporting relationships. The week before an evaluation, give each employee the respective job description and a blank assessment so they know what to expect during the employee assessment. Have an open dialogue with each employee during an assessment, beginning with positive comments and observations. Talk about plans for the employee's professional growth in knowledge and skills, as well as in positions within the company. Let the employee give you feedback before you defend any of the positions you took.

 Avoid beating up an employee for poor performances during an assessment. Instead of making negative comments, Javitch states you should only state facts and offer tips to help the employee improve. For example, instead of telling an employee that they majorly screwed up, state that made some poor decisions and that you are available to problem-solve. Balance perceived negative comments with positive statements. Plan for the future. Assess an employee's skills, knowledge, abilities and interests so you can establish goals with the employee and help him improve. Even if he is an excellent worker, making plans for the future can help motivate an employee to improve his performance and productivity.

End on a positive note. Always end performance reviews on a positive note. Encouraging your employees and letting them know you appreciate what they do for the company will give an added boost to a primarily good review, or lift your employee's spirits after a somewhat negative evaluation. Positive phraseology and reinforcement can go a long way in giving workers the confidence and drive they need to perform their jobs even better.


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