Employee Advocacy the Next Level.

Employee Advocacy the Next Level.

Enter Social Media as the Employee Advocacy Enabler

Social Media has taken off in a way to become an alternate reality of our lives. We literally post and engage with content all the time now. We the people are what makes Social Media work.

Advocacy started along the same way. Brand marketers seek to have control over how content is shared, and this led to stringent social media policies which in a way made employees scared to share content created by the marketing team.

Today everyone can and wants to become famous (well almost.) The real drift of why this is important from an employee context becomes clear when we see companies asking for candidate Linkedin Profiles along with Resumes. This shows how important one’s personal profile has become. While the Linkedin Profile shows professional validation, employers also check for social presence to know more about the person’s personality.

Access to great content is one of the first problems that Employee Advocacy solves for the employees. Now they can get their own curated newsfeeds which will make them look good on social. Obviously, this means that it requires painstaking curation to be done by the program administrators to bring up shareable and engaging content from the mass. Apart from the branded content which is already set up.

Encourage the community feeling within the advocates. Build campaigns to get them together every once in a while. People like to talk about what they are doing and are more than willing to contribute to new initiatives. Ask, Listen, Engage, and Action.

Do weekly, monthly, and quarterly campaigns which bring a slice of their work-life into the program. This will generate interest and increase participation. 

Read this in-depth article to know how you could create and run a program for your brand.



