EMPLOYABILITY FACTORS - by Vishal Harish Bhagat


Helping Guide for any Low to Mediocre performer

by - Vishal Harish Bhagat

An observational social study was done on Behavioral / Soft skills of a person from various segments of life, institutions, regions and organizations and it is supported by Self-Assessment Model.

"6 million students are getting ready from the various campuses and standing in the queue to get inside the professional world, but half of them (2.5 to 3 million) are not ready to take up the role Or are not employable" – this is with reference to TEDx speaker Sachin Shende, GM IT, RBI.

Below piece of writing will focus more on students who are studying in any regional/national level institutions and their gap in employability factors at the workplace.

The term Employability Factor is in existence since we have started realizing that there is a tremendous gap in what Corporate/organizations/place of work expects from campus hire student (even lateral hires) in general – when it comes to job fitment. The onus of role-fitment though it goes through HR competency evaluation of the candidate, it can be further improved if it is understood well during the campus days. I have a strong belief that there is no certain formula to come across and share with students to get ready for the WORKPLACE but can be summarized as:

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Many observations, experience and with the help of empirical data - it can be stated that student (even lateral hires) who joins the workplace doesn't meet most of the requirements of the workplace while working as a professional. The key employability factor is missed at multiple stages. Stages are: Grooming Stage in campuses, Hiring Stage and post first employment, i.e. on the Job Stage too. The most vulnerable stage where one can have maximum influences to take EF to the next level is the Grooming Stage of students. While I am working with groups who are working in this space, like - academic institutions, multiple NGO's, social activists, my recommendation also goes for the grooming stage. It is the grooming stage of the individual which plays a crucial role to make him/her employable at the workplace. Although, findings of this article isn't limited to this stage, certainly applicable to Hiring stage to an actual Job stage (with 0 to 10+ years of experience) incumbents too. It will be appropriate for the person & their mentor to assess the apt BQ need.

The Equation: Decoded

There are two prime factors mentioned in the above equation i.e. Behavioral Quotient (BQ) & Technical Quotient (TQ). If anyone defines TQ. It will be observed that it is a blend of IQ with deep subject matter expertise. In general, it has been observed that to prove someone smartness or intelligence, the typically asked question is – "Is this person smart enough to do the job? Someone who can handle the basic requirements of the job and who also can quickly learn new things and incorporate his/her learning into the job. The level of TQ/IQ of the individual is limited to the level s/he prepares for that subject and understand it through books, readings, experiments. Also, their willingness to learn the subject plays an important role. The TQ can be improved over the period and it is possible at stage (Grooming, Hiring & Job stage) mentioned earlier. It's been observed that during the Hiring Stage, one can master it for the sake of clearing the interview & get into the employment and manages the work on the job learning and technical improvement. Mostly the repetitive but huge technical work often done by juniors, who are at the bottom of the workforce pyramid. More than 80% population easily acquires the technical/generic skillset requires for such a job. Many times, they take it to the next level by certifications and on the job learnings. It's all fine with the TQ.

However, the cause of concern lies in the 2nd ingredient of employability i.e. Behavioral Quotient (BQ). Over the prolonged years of professional experience, education, observatory data-points and many team leaders had agreed that BQ is the most ignored ingredient by any professional & institutions. The selective or unintentional ignorance on BQ ingredient, make any professional vulnerable to repeated failures. It happens at in professional world - again & again. Any suffered professional starts thinking that it's impossible to overcome this challenge.?

Let's Learn It Now: Better late than never.

The lack of BQ or missing BQ affects everyone daily – right from day 1 in the organization. Whether it is the customer-facing role of corporate or social work in the society or any work which demands to be with people/team & expected to be done professionally. The absence of BQ can be observed during interviews, in one-on-one connects, group meetings and any such interactions. It's a very common phenomenon & people don't pay attention to it and people end-up managing it with a workaround. But in this bargain, most of them lose the long-term growth perspective at their workplace. The problem is huge for the students who want to enter professional workplace & be a performer, right from day 1. Either, they get mislead by some seniors, or sheer ignorance glooms them and one fine day, their BQ backlog hits them hard.

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There has to be a plan of action since the gap increase at every stage of grooming i.e. -Grooming, Hiring & Job. Within the possible full-stack grooming, it can be categorized in the following areas, to get desired Employability Factor for any individual. It can be stated with the help of a simple equation form:

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Essentially, BQ is the function of above-mentioned skill & behaviours.

Each of the above-stated skills/behaviours can be better learned with practice in real life. It can be done in - corporate life, college days & wherever possible. It has been proved again & again by multiple socially active leaders like Sachin, Prashant, Jayant & Atul or many other friends like Viswamitra, Aakesh, Rahul Sapkal & Vaibhav Pagare – who are with me in this journey of improving Employability Factor (refer - BQ) for students from regional campuses and smaller colleges. I have a strong recommendation for each of the topic and all are equally important while working.

I will be sharing my perspective have been built on all the functional elements BQ. Certainly, each topic is a thesis in itself - if someone reads it, researches on it and learn it from professionals from the respective fields.

Communication Skill*

Being the important factor in overall BQ concept, it remains at 2 mutually inclusive spectrums of learning challenges i.e. – 1] Fear of Communication and 2] Language of Communication. Either of them exists together or in isolation but certainly impacts the BQ of the individual. There are multiple aspects of communication and student tend to fall in the usual pitfall of fear or language. I am referring to the language which is essentially used / working language of the system. In most of Indian & big regions like the US/ UK and any other such countries - English become more critical & dominant language to learn.

Only one thing can be mentioned as a practical solution to the 2 challenges mentioned above, i.e. – Practice It! There are many simple as well as even complex ways & means exist to improve it by practising.

As we know there are multiple components in communication which revolves around Verbal (written & oral) and Non-Verbal (listening, gesture, any other body language, etc.)

*In my next article, will try to detail-out this topic in commonly known content

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Indeed, self-awareness is intricate but is an essential ingredient right from the early stage of the career till you are in the world of professionals or in-fact till you are alive. To simplify it - self-awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-Awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses them at the moment. It gives a unique identity to an individual. In the professional world (even in non-professional space) – if you have self-awareness in place you can reach the next stage of learning, career and growth without any guilt and inferiority complex. Self-awareness is the capacity to observe our-selves—to notice and pay attention to patterns within our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. And it’s a skill that we all have.

I can quote certain situations from my experience to explain this. At times employee doesn’t know his/her skill’s which s/he must have been achieved through experience or sheer potential. However, if the person doesn’t know that s/he possesses it, s/he will never demonstrate it and might miss on the opportunities. I have seen it happening for most of the high potential people getting stuck into the same level role/work or failed @ current role. Every week I meet one such professional. If you haven’t heard of the self-awareness as a concept, trust me – it is the right time to read about it, know about it. Being self-aware means – start using it for themselves and for others too. Whenever any student or professional ask me about self-awareness, my first recommendation is to use Jo-Hari Window. The simplest & easiest one - you must explore it!

Note: there are many other tools available and one can choose to pick any one of it

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Body Language

The most neglected element in the BQ is - the body language. Though it is more or less part of communication skill, it needs to be discussed and must be addressed. Just because of the ignorance towards it not only by campus hire but also by very senior leaders. The primary meaning of this parameter is - the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated. To put it simply, body language is the unspoken element of communication that we use to reveal our true feelings and emotions. Our gestures, facial expressions and posture, for instance. In any working space – a person has to keep certain things open/hidden/explicit at multiple occasions. Whether it is an explicit or implicit piece of information, it can be made more effective with the appropriate use of right body language.

Let me quote an anecdote here – if an individual's job demands to hide certain confidential data and s/he wants to maintain neutrality about it, then it's a body language which can play a very vital role. We can draw an analogy, while being in front of a high-end client, giving a speech in front of a large gathering or doing any public speaking. 

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To put it in the right perspective, whenever a person enters a workplace, moves around, be with teams, clients – a gesture which gives hints about the BQ. The first sense of negativity via body language always impacts your positioning in workplace set-up. It needs a very steady, cautious approach to learn this BQ element and practice is the key. There are so many social media videos, movies, books & speeches created by multiple orators on this topic. To be more proficient in this BQ element, one can keep practising it wherever they are, whichever meetings or public appearances they do. So – are you going to practice it? Suggesting few keywords for my research - Kinesics (the study of facial expressions, postures & gestures), Oculesics (the study of the role of eye contact), Haptics (the study of touching), Proxemics (the study of measurable distance between people as they interact), Chronemics (the study of the use of time), Paralinguistics (the study of variations in pitch, speed, volume, and pauses to convey meaning, Physical Appearance.

Perception Management

It is another soft but prevalent factor in the workplace context and it has an origin from the US military. One can understand this well if you read the widely known definition i.e. "Perception is how we think about a particular person, situation, event, or anything for that matter based on the stimuli we receive and the feelings and thoughts that we have about that entity. In simple words - it is the way one can interpret the people, workplace or things around with the help of any piece of information. So, it becomes the key parameter in the BQ list, since anyone would like to manage the perception @ workplace by others. Essentially, one can start demonstrating situation-based behaviours to avoid any negative perception.

Can anyone master it to break it? The simplest formula is to ignore most of them but keep your originality and integrity with your work. There are more proven ways to break it @ organization-level and one of them creating diversity* in all sense as a core of the organizational values. If someone doesn't understand it well @ workplace, then s/he has to face it adversely. Quick fix on this is to keep all work-related communications clear irrespective of the levels of recipients marked. In any people group, in some form or other - perception is prevalent. It can be minimized only, can't be deleted until & unless you have The Buddha kind of personalities!

*In my other article on Diversity, will share my detail views on that.

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When it comes to organization context it is also important how employee (individual) has perceptions about so many factors in the organization and s/he manages it for the benefit and eventually builds the BQ. It is unavoidable to avoid perception building done by people at workplaces and it happens with conscious/unconscious biases. As they say, "The first impression is the Best impression" and it is very apt in the context of perceptions. One has to be sensitive towards that, right from the initial phase in the organization. It plays a crucial role while maintaining the longevity and sustainability in the organizational structures. It is vital for the campus to lateral hire employee to build positive perceptions for themselves. Also, keep the enduring efforts to reinforce positive perception through their actions & behaviours @ workplace.

Presentation Skills

No one will say that author has done any unique identification by adding presentation skill as one in the BQ essentials. In-fact this one is more critical & obvious (along with communication) entry to the BQ list.

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You will end up getting preachy lectures by anyone in the organization. In general, that preacher may not even at the basic level of proficiency but will try to demean you, judge you, basis your presentation & communication skills. For any interview stage to a sales/client presentation skill is an integral element to make it or break it. In the social context, the speaker can be ineffective if s/he doesn't use the right presentation skills, even if the message is very critical for the audience. This is another BQ element, which can be acquired prolonged practice & right coaching. In open-source of social media & books, there are many pieces of training, workshops available for any beginner to master the nuances. There is one angle of 'context' while delivering any presentation and it does play a key role to make any presentation better & better. Example: One can simply present through algorithms/ flowcharts Or Block Diagram of the process/product/work in hand. Have you practised it enough?

Interpersonal Skills

'Do I know you but can I be your go-to person for my subject of expertise and vice versa.' This BQ factor is more linked with a few of the factors mentioned above. It may sound repetitive but it blends of your communication, body language, presentation and even part of self-awareness. How well you work with others in any workplace context is i.e. how well someone uses his behaviour & tactics to interact with others effectively. It is your social brainpower to deal with others to get the desired outcome through interactions. It also depends on the personality traits one has; at times it is a birth trait. However, it can be acquired or build over the period and needs varying levels of practice. There are numerous theories, practical models available to help you learn about various types of personality profiles. It can be derived for work & non-work face of any person with whom you are interacting, study them and use it to improve your interpersonal skills. 

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In a concept called Transactional Analysis (TA)* it is stated that – "a consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behaviour. It helps you to understand – why we think, act & feel the way we do it. IT also helps you to analyze your transactions with people close to you. Fundamentally it helps you, if you know about your behaviour, to improve it easily.

*Topic should be referred to gain positively through one's interactions & communications


This is another must element in the BQ list. It compliments every other element listed in BQ. It is all about – how quickly one can adjust to new working conditions, workplace, culture & diverse set of people & processes. It has a certain impact on the rest of the BQs and makes them more effective/ineffective. If the person is adaptable s/he can reach better levels of strong self-awareness to interpersonal skills. Knowing the diversity in every walk of life and work, one has to learn this skill in most-simpler way. Also, it has been learnt on time to avoid any setbacks.

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It applies in fast-changing workplaces & corporates to any employee. In such places, one has to all rapid changes & be agile or must get ready to perish by not changing for the changes. There are some partially-controllable (processes, jobs) to un-controllable (technologies, economics) factors impacting the workplaces and that puts this skill in the necessary category. For example – as a tech employee one has to be adaptable to any new skills, with the right attitude. Otherwise, there are umpteen number of cases of job-loss on mutually agreed or basis performance parameters. Learnt about a technique which can help any beginner to learn Adaptability and that simple technique is OWPA. It can be explained as - keep Observing & monitoring the changing trends, values, attitudes, cultures, technologies, etc. Have the Willingness to learn new things coming due to these changes. Don't Procrastinate for any new learnings. Acknowledge there is a change today and tomorrow, so don't lose your momentum and keep your resilience high while being anywhere. 

The strong inclusion of Time Management can happen as a complimenting factor to overall adaptability. It can be seen that TM as a blended factor while validating the adaptability of a person. The user has to be adaptable by keeping TM factor while @ work, use it effectively for self-development and never crib about lack of time. TM factor can be used while being adaptable in kind of work set-up.

Creativity with Innovation

If one doesn't have Creativity, he can survive but will only be oscillating between less than mediocre to slightly above of it. It's the act of creating something in real, which was originally an idea or just a thought. It can be a skill by birth or evolve into a person while taking professional education or @ workplace. This is also driven by a person's reach or to the pool of information, knowledge, thoughts, readings, imaginations which can help them to turn into reality. One has to visualize the inherent imaginations & thoughts in any possible shape & proportion and create something new. This newly created entity should be realized, valued and recognized by others.

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At times one has to be creative & innovative – both, as a professional and needs to do out of pocket expenses. Otherwise, one can conceive new ideas & possibilities and get help from a leader for sponsorship. If you demonstrate any level of creativity while speaking, presenting, developing products or services, it will take you long in your professional journey. If you are creative enough along with your TQ, trust me - 2 months internship project can land you with an opportunity or pre-placement offers or direct job-offers in the same organization. Similarly, this skill can be effectively used while doing community work, fundraising activity or such welfare work.

One has to be creative in his style as well – which is well known as image building or building a personal brand. It's another hot topic for the study!

Upward Selling

It is very widely used but rarely understood concept in my view. Upselling is an expanding value by getting customers to move to a high-end product, usually a version of one that they already used. It is essentially used in the sales & marketing world for (old or new) product placement and positioning @ higher value rate. Let's have an analogy & consider Yourself as the product! This "YOU" - the product needs to be sold in an organization via recruiter to the hiring manager but with a high-value vis-à-vis other colleagues. In the workplace set-up or interview, it's "YOU" – who plays both the roles i.e. – a] Seller & b] Product. Just like product sales world, in job-scenario "YOU" product has to be induced by you in the mind of recruiter & hiring manager, even if this "YOU" – product is costlier. It is same as any a shrewd salesperson who persuades the customer to purchase more expensive items.

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It's all about managing every aspect of you, keeping everything in control about your work & behaviour at work and communicating it to the right stakeholders. It could be done orally, by featuring in organizations newsletters, through influential stakeholders, colleagues, customers, the boss himself/herself to super-bosses. It certainly needs a fine-tuning of self-branding, communication skills, interpersonal relations, constructive politics, a reasonable amount of outgoing / extrovert nature (not compulsory). And the most vital one is a great amount of content your core work. This all needs in right & unique proportion and it can be done by real-time situation assessment by an individual at the place demonstration. It is all about selling your potential by quoting certain notable performance pieces of evidence. Remember – customer pays for the value any product adds in real& same goes with hiring manager or managers.

How to Practice It?

Wherever I have delivered workshops so far, the most commonly asked question is - How to learn or master all of the above BQ elements @ any stage of the career? I have a very simple & practical response to this question and it is in the form of a self-assessment model. This can be done with the help of an assessor/mentor or someone whom you consider reliable for your professional development. One can get in touch with me to understand this in totality. Attaching all the self-explanatory step-step pictures for any readers quick high-level reference.

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Note: All 3 graphs are dynamic & are driven by real-time data feed in the Self-Assessment Template (pre & post interventions). The Career Level vs BQ needs Model is an outcome of the study, all the observations & empirical data. It has been explained in my first live sessions & a video link will be shared soon.


Principally this article will help each reader (the needy ones) to understand very basic but habitually ignored BQ elements. In my limited readings, interactions with corporate professionals, people working in social development sectors and even with the students – most of them tend to follow a few of it but miss the other BQs listed. It's a choice one can make – either to fail and learn and take a longer route to improve his/her Employability Factor OR - just concentrate on each of these BQ elements right from Today or earliest possible timeframe. Put himself/ herself in the assessment cycle with the help of an assigned mentor or an assessor (I can be one for you) for the prescribed period* and see the difference in your performance, level of recognition, self-confidence and other tangible benefits. This is a study backed by simple but doable assessment model and self-paced development cycle. This study is an extract of many open sources of information, tacit knowledge of people whom I have interviewed, observed and developed so far. I will also assert that this is one of the ways of looking @ The Employability Factors holistically and certainly there are many more ways, processes, tools available.

I Trust - with the help of this study paper and Self-Assessment Model, if any student or beginner-professional gets benefitted, that would be my total earning! Please connect with me for exploring this model for YOU & your closed ones.??

This piece of writing is developed by the author, basis multiple levels of observations, in-person sessions, workshops delivered & all the interviews conducted thus far. Various infographics & pictures used in the article are downloaded from open source and a presentation has been developed. To avail the self-assessment model for any personal or groups use – please reach out @ [email protected] / 9096000654. 

Utsav Koul

Assistant Manager HRBP at Mphasis

4 年

Great work Vishal Bhagat I am proud to have association with you in my corporate life. You are definitely an inspiration to me.

Tanya Reeves ??????

Skills Development Navigator ?? Skills Connection ?? Navigate SkillsPossibilities to empower & inspire people so that together we can create opportunities for a better tomorrow ?? LetMeGuideYou

4 年

Vishal Bhagat this is a very thought-provoking read indeed! Thanks for your #thoughtleadership on the subject. It will certainly support my research in the so-called top power skills companies need to place emphasis on as they emerge from the pandemic. The comment you posted on the Josh Bersin article about Microsoft and LinkedIn Learning collaboration prompted me to investigate your contributions to the debate of how L&D professionals should be finding ways to leverage platforms such as this in their staff development plans. The demand for enhancing ones Power Skills (behavioral soft skills) and Tech Savvy skills has become prevalent as companies have had to pivot on all operational levels in the new normal. #TanyaReevesSDF Skills Connection #NavigateSkillsPossibilities #TanyaSkillsConnection

Rohit Toppo

Sr. Manager (HR) at SAIL

4 年

It was very enriching experience reading your article. THe BQ factors listed by you are true indeed, which needs to be addressed. Definitely, the article gives a great insight about onself.


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