Employ your security initiatives to save money from day-1.
Senthilvel Kumar
Cybersecurity practitioner & Practice Head at YASH Technologies. Work with C-Level, I support customers to design and deliver security services quite nicely, in a thoughtful manner.
A large telecom company with global presence has embarked on a journey to adopt digital signatures for their customer invoices. Up until now, scanned image signature was embedded in the invoices and sent to the customers through email and as printed versions. This is a usual practice across multiple sectors and is working nicely for years together.
It is noteworthy to understand what is happening at the recipient end.
Scanned signature documents carry too little value from authenticity perspective. Therefore the requirement always persists for a printed version to be available for all record purposes. With both printed version and electronic versions available, recipient has an opportunity to verify. Many customers are busy today to spend time on the printed versions rather they would prefer to see it electronically, because their day-to-day operations are now digital. For few, printed versions are merely a matter of record.
So, Corporations too are taking advantage of the digital world.
To make the electronic documents more authentic - There needs to be a robust method to identify any compromise. There must be a system in place to reinforce that the document is trustworthy even after years of storage in the system and folders have been copied or retrieved from many other media.
Digitally signing the electronic documents resolves these two key challenges and establishes trust. Digital signatures can be verified by a third-party. Any compromise or tampering will void the signature. Validity of the signatures shall be displayed in the system or shall be displayed in printed versions too.
Our customer have applied digital signatures in their customer invoices. Presently, they are going through transition period from scanned image signature to a full scale digitally signed invoice versions. By the end of 2016, they expect to send all 1,00,000 digitally signed invoices every month. They will saving on the print and as well the courier cost.
Digital signatures can be applied for purchase orders, contract notes, financial summary reports and payment receipts too.
Now with regulatory push coming in, it is vital that companies shall take advantage of such solutions to save money and go-green to save the environment.
Our scope in this implementation was to implement an automated digital signing solution integrated with client’s billing application covering India and abroad locations.
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