Emphasizing Quality Assurance in the Definition of Done for Development Items

Emphasizing Quality Assurance in the Definition of Done for Development Items


In Agile development, particularly in Scrum, the 'Definition of Done' (DoD) is a critical concept that clarifies what it means for work to be complete. Integrating Quality Assurance (QA) - encompassing unit tests, manual tests, and automated tests - into the DoD is essential for ensuring that every development item not only meets its functional requirements but is also reliable and bug-free. This blog post explores how to embed QA into the DoD and effectively handle it on a Scrum board.

Why Include QA in the Definition of Done?

  1. Ensures Quality: Embedding QA in the DoD ensures that quality is not an afterthought but a fundamental part of the development process.
  2. Reduces Technical Debt: Catching and fixing bugs early in the development cycle prevents the accumulation of technical debt.
  3. Facilitates Agile Principles: Agile emphasizes working software. Including QA in DoD ensures that the software is not just working but also meets quality standards.

Components of QA in the Definition of Done

1. Unit Tests

  • Definition: Unit tests are automated tests written and run by developers to ensure that a particular section of the code (a unit) works as intended.
  • DoD Integration: A development item is not done until all unit tests are written for new code and are passing successfully.

2. Manual Tests

  • Definition: Manual tests involve human testers interacting with the application to find bugs and verify that the software behaves as expected in real-world scenarios.
  • DoD Integration: Include a checklist of manual test scenarios that must be executed and passed before the card is moved to the 'Done' column.

3. Automated Tests

  • Definition: Automated tests are scripts written to automatically test the software for bugs, errors, and other issues.
  • DoD Integration: Ensure that automated regression tests and integration tests are executed and pass successfully for the development item.

Handling QA on a Scrum Board

  1. Create a QA Checklist: On each Scrum card, include a QA checklist that outlines the necessary unit tests, manual tests, and automated tests.
  2. Sub-Tasks for Testing: Create sub-tasks under each development item specifically for writing and executing tests. This approach makes the testing phase explicit and trackable.
  3. Testing Column: Add a column to the Scrum board named 'Testing' or 'QA'. Once the development is complete, the card moves to this column, where it stays until all testing tasks are completed.
  4. Review and Retrospective: During Sprint Review and Retrospective, evaluate the effectiveness of QA practices and make adjustments as necessary.
  5. Continuous Integration (CI): Implement CI practices where code merges are contingent on passing all tests, reinforcing the importance of QA in the DoD.


Incorporating QA into the Definition of Done is a pivotal strategy in Agile development. It ensures that each development item is not only functionally complete but also meets high-quality standards. By handling QA explicitly on the Scrum board through checklists, dedicated columns, and CI practices, teams can consistently deliver robust, reliable software that aligns with the Agile principle of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Remember, a 'Done' feature is not just about completion; it’s about delivering excellence.


