The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes

I'm sure you all know the famous children's story from Hans Christian Andersen. The vain emperor who gets exposed before his subjects by a child, when everyone around him has bought into the belief, telling them what they should think. Sometimes it can feel like this in a business as well.

Tunnel Vision

In any given environment it can become quite easy to believe 'your own press' when you inspire your colleagues daily, and your individual success is so easily entwined. Many times, we all just go along with the most senior member of the team in agreement for fear of stepping out of line. To agree almost exclusively is a mistake, especially for the growing needs of a business.

Independent Expertise

In most businesses, everyone has their own role, sometimes several in the start-ups I have worked in, so most people are already stretched to capacity. This means they often don't get the chance to dedicate their time sufficiently to other roles.

This is the reason we often use consultants who specialise in particular job roles not only for their expertise but also for their insight. Often they are more valuable than we realise especially when they work specifically in one particular industry. They are exposed to other organisations and can often advise on best practice from this angle, in addition to their technical ability.

The Bid Process

This is why organisations often consult with Bid Professionals who are freelance. They get to address the need of their business quickly through using an external source who can offer value and insight. Especially where high-value opportunity is concerned.

The bid process is multi-faceted where we seek to provide solutions for both yourself and your respective client. There will be many aspects to the bid process which your in-house team might not have considered.

We often find that we bring clarity and a fresh voice to organisations where there might be internal conflict, otherwise known as 'the emperor's new clothes' effect!

Well crafted proposals win business

Lessons to Learn

  1. Surround yourself with good people - if you hire the right people you will have fewer problems and greater success. By hiring smart, skilled employees who are not afraid to speak up when required becomes a huge asset to any business. These people are a huge asset within any business because their expertise helps the leader to make better decisions which benefits all.
  2. Unsuitable leaders will harm your business - this is an absolute rule, which might be through a lack of experience, maturity, skill or attitude. An unhealthy attitude towards the recognition of others, which only breeds discontent in themselves due to feeling of inferiority. A true leader will always seek to inspire others by fulfilling strategic goals.
  3. True leadership comes from self-awareness - to have an element of critique for our own performance and behaviour is crucial for long term success in any leader. The ability to always be able to spot our own strengths and weaknesses, helps to incorporate the correct course of action over time.
  4. Create the right environment for the best results to flourish - leaders must appreciate the value which all team members bring to the organisation. They can do this by allowing stronger communication within the structure of a business. It is essential that leaders are not threatened by criticism or disagreement, if both elements are supported, the business wins by having an element of critique which is essential for success.

Action Plan

Effective leaders are never born, but they do evolve into greatness over time. As with all people, we learn far more from our failures than our successes. The output from a great leader comes when they focus upon the strategic needs of the business, rather than their own personal agenda.

If you enjoyed this article, you will LOVE my podcast of the same name. Short, sharp episodes where I discuss similar topics and more. Available on Spotify and all other major outlets.
Juliet Fletcher MPA, CF APMP, CEO at Writing is Easy

We Write to Win | Proposal Writing | Copywriting | Proposal and Marketing Design | Writing to Win Training | Foundation of Winning

9 个月

So creative! You are having fun with these!

David Claxton

Consult, Diagnose, Design, Deploy, Test, Report.

9 个月

Nice way to articulate your point Emma.



