The Emperor called Life

The Emperor called Life

what is most important in life?

Life itself is most important in life. Everything else is secondary. Our job, our possessions, our relationships whatever it is, these things are here to serve this life that is throbbing within us not the other way around. Suppose someone is dead, immediately everything around him becomes irrelevant for that dead person because there's no life within him. So once our awareness is deeply rooted in this truth. Suddenly, Our life becomes so much easier, more joyful, and more productive. Our life gets aligned with nature or with larger life or life as a whole in this universe. Now one becomes eligible to experience this magnanimity of life in its true sense.

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The journey to attain bliss has begun. This is one of the most significant ways to empower ourselves. And If we can establish this awareness fully in our lives, we become free of suffering. People have become slaves of their possessions, relationships, and surroundings. But it should be another way around. These things are here to serve the emperor called life. Hence, Life itself is most important in our life. It's more valuable than the greatest treasure. Without this life, there is no value in any treasure.


