Empathy, social consciousness and mental health recovery

This is a presentation on the theme of Empathy and mental health including humming and my own art therapy as part of my recovery journey from mental health and physical health conditions such as prostate cancer and diabetes. Empathy is about relationship internal and external. The presentation and video contains more questions than answers and includes a very personal testimony video in a presentation style about my recovery journey (no talking to camera). You can watch it here https://youtu.be/LiGy6g0Y-tM

Empathy is a healer. In my case it helped me to enhance a sense of social consciousness and move on from a victim state of mind into one of self care and service to others. Let's start a conversation. Yesterday at a conference on mental health I received good feedback from those who watched the video at a conference on mental health and Universities.

Now it is time to move on in flow with the next thing...

Presentation https://prezi.com/view/PZZzTM5YmiMLTYVkheIb

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