Empathy, respect and student care beyond the crisis
I published the mindmap, resources and links below last week in this blog post. Each day brings dozens more updates and commentary, but I particularly wanted to re-share in order to add this earlier article by Shanton Chang and Catherine Gomes which touches on the longer-term implications, too. It includes some salient messages about the challenge of creating quality online learning (especially when needed in a hurry) and the impact of a disrupted pre-arrival and orientation experience on students, but also the staff who support them:
Universities also need to support their academic and student support staff. They are at the front line managing the fallout. They will still be dealing with the consequences of the crisis once the outbreak is well and truly over.
Following recent webinars, events and articles on COVID-19 and the response of our educational institutions and partners, here are some of the themes I’ve heard across various discussions.
Here’s what I was listening to, watching and reading to map the themes above:
English Australia webinar: ELICOS sector- wide response: Australia’s bushfires, Novel Coronavirus and the Global Reputation Taskforce
- Speakers: Brett Blacker (English Australia); Matthew Noble (Dept of Home Affairs); Rebecca Hall and Rhett Miller (Austrade), David Atkins (Dept of Education, Skills and Employment)
- Links to slides and recording
Event hosted by StudyNSW @HaymarketHQ: We’re in this together: Reaching international students in China
- Speakers: David Gulasi (Key Opinion Leader and education provider); Vivian Fan (Golden Education); Professor Barney Glover (Western Sydney University); Patrick Signo (Alibaba); Adam Brimo (Open Learning); Phil Laufenberg (Practera)
- Link to recording
Article: The coronavirus outbreak is the biggest crisis ever to hit international education
- Authors: Ly Tran (Deakin University) and Christopher Ziguras (RMIT)
- Link to article
Article: Coronavirus quarantine could spark an online learning boom
- Author: Carlo Perrotta (Monash University)
- Link to article
Article: 3 ways the coronavirus outbreak will affect international students and how unis can help
- Authors: Catherine Gomes (RMIT) and Shanton Chang (University of Melbourne)
- Link to article
Please note that for updated advice, resources and news, the relevant government and regulatory body websites are the place to be! Austrade’s Study In Australia site brings several resources together in one place.