The Junto Institute
Emotional intelligence executive coaching and team training.
A recent study found that hopefulness was associated with ?? higher resilience and ?? lower distress over time since it's all about looking ?? ahead and being solution-oriented. So as part of your emotional intelligence practice, find things that can bring you ?? hope: your growth, career, family, friends, hobbies, etc.
Did you know that many people use the Junto Emotion Wheel for icebreakers and starting conversations? Give it a shot.
It's one of the simplest ways to build empathy for others. Focus your attention on someone's words, tone of voice, ???facial expressions, body language, and posture. In fact, this ?? week, try doing this as much as possible during meetings and interactions with others. See what you can ?? discover about what/how they might be thinking (cognitive empathy) and what/how they might be feeling (emotional empathy).
The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said. The art of reading between the lines is a lifelong quest of the wise. ? ?
- Shannon L. Alder
Spend some time making a ? list of activities, people, and foods to help you generate a DOSE of ?? happy chemicals during the work day. The start of a new week is the perfect time to pull it out and ?? practice a few items.
Give someone the gift of knowledge, wisdom, and virtue. Teach them something about emotional intelligence. Anything.
If you haven't noticed already, emotional intelligence is far more complex than most ?? people realize. Over the years, we've ???heard it defined and described in quite simple terms: empathy or knowing how you're feeling, etc. But as you know, each of those is only ?? one building block out of 16. And within each of those is a variety of traits, skills, and abilities.?