Empathy gets things started. But it won't help you get things going.
Merom Klein
Business psychology, innovation leadership and human capital expert > Get your very best innovations funded, adopted + executed to deliver the impact that your champions have promised -by building a culture of courage
If you do a Courage Leadership Quest, you'll learn to start a dialogue with empathy - to connect with your customer, colleague, board member or strategic partner and understand their needs and concerns.
But, to get things going, empathy is the start of the dialogue, not the end of the dialogue. Because if the partner you hope to mobilize is fearful and reluctant - and you end the dialogue with the same empathy you brought to the start of the dialogue - you'll enable your partner to stay fearful and reluctant. And make them believe their fear and reluctance are compelling reasons not to act.
So, in a Courage Leadership Quest, you'll learn how to shift the dialogue - from enabling to ennobling, from reluctance to challenge, from waiting for conditions to improve to leaning in and actively improving conditions. There are 6 levels of being part of the solution rather than part of the problem in a crisis. In a Courage Leadership Quest, you'll learn to step followers up to the highest levels, where they have the greatest opportunity to make a difference.
On Thursday the 04th April at 12:00 EDT (09:00 PDT, 19:00 Israel), we'll show you how leaders can turn challenges and obstacles into compelling platforms for growth, engagement and for mobilizing support for new standards of care and new industry best practices. We'll show you how leaders in marketing, sales, quality, safety, supply chain, HR, technology transformations and other disciplines have shifted the dialogue from empathy to challenge. So they take teams beyond risk-averse compromises and into unicorn levels of value creation.
Courage isn't saying, "I get why you're fearful and reluctant. Let's stay with what's comfortable." Courage says says, "Let's face the fear. Take my hand and let's do this together. We can't stay where we are now. Here's why. Let's figure out how to get going, meet new challenges head-on and take our success to a higher level."
Our late President, Shimon Peres (z"l) used to remind us that dissatisfaction, impatience, seeing the world half-empty and looking for ways to fill it up is the best asset leaders have - if they know how to use it wisely. It starts with empathy, of course. But it can't stop there, or we'll leave followers stuck where they are.
Dr Louise Yochee Klein and Dr Merom Klein are Principals with Courage Growth Partners , the leadership consultancy that equips innovation champions to uplift, ennoble, challenge and drive adoption, rather than wait and hope for adoption. They invite you to register for their Make Courage Contagious webinar on the 04th April.