Empathy, and bringing your values into sharp focus are fundamental needs in the face of Covid19
Danielle Grant MA PCC
Helping aspiring C-suite leaders globally, to be their best selves for healthy, happy, sustainable organisations. Leadership Development Expert, Speaker, Podcaster, Author. Change is my chocolate!
We have all seen the images and experienced the way that supermarket shelves are emptied beyond all reason. The well and more affluent amongst us the most able to stock up and leave slim pickings for the vulnerable and less well off. Our survival instincts kicking in without any pause for rational consideration of our needs being balanced by the rights and needs of others in our society, to also weather the current wild hurricane rushing through the world, that is the fear of Covid19. If we all considered (to take a topical example) how many rolls of toilet paper we actually use as a family in a month (since the kids grew up and left home our need is about 2 rolls a week), and we purchased accordingly, rather than as if paper production was ceasing forever, then the resultant panic would reduce. This is herd mentality at its worst.
We evolved thousands of years ago as creatures who were at the mercy of the elements and predators. However, our instincts and biological flight, flight or freeze responses, are unchanged from those prehistoric days. Our sophisticated society with all its technology means that most existential threats are abated if not abolished. However the response we have to the loss of certainty and a sense of having little autonomy to combat this virus are triggering these primitive responses. But we can manage them. And in so doing reduce stress levels, given that our heightened stress levels, in themselves, compromise our immune systems, over a prolonged period, making us more susceptible.
Empathy is about stopping and putting yourself in the shoes of the other person to try to see the world through their perspective. If you put yourself in the shoes of vulnerable people in these trying times, and stopped for a moment, truly considering your own values, would you grab the last pack of pasta when you already have 2 in your store cupboard? Most people have fundamentally sound values but when they allow panic to set in, the self-preservation instinct is allowed to override those values. Your values may be things like kindness, integrity, fairness.... these values are needed more than ever today. But when allowing the survival mechanism to drive us, what has happened to those values?
Realising this can be a way for us to not only survive but be better partners, neighbours, family, employers, and simply members of society. At LeaderShape we see this as part of being Transpersonal (its is about both self leadership and leading others). If we dig deep and identify our fundamental values, then start living with our values in full consciousness in making decisions, what would we each do different in the supermarket aisles? What would we do to help ensure the vulnerable amongst us have the fundamental supplies they need? Might we not volunteer to drop of groceries to others, hold back our own stockpiling to what is really needed for ourselves and our families so there is sufficient for all?
Instead of pointing an accusatory finger at others, the authorities, the Chinese or whoever, remember that when you point your index finger at others, there are 3 other fingers in your palm pointing back to yourself. so the message is clear, I have to start with ME! Why not reflect deeply on your values and use them to guide your daily decisions - join us on a transpersonal journey where our ego is tamed in the interests of the greater good.
For an insight into the experience of taking your journey with me and LeaderShape, watch this video:- https://vimeo.com/376352772