Empath Detox to Truth & Thriving
Day one of starting sharing again. Every day is a day one with possible transformation...

Empath Detox to Truth & Thriving

Hi! It's been a long time since I shared something. That’s because I had to deal with some life changing events first. As an empath, I found out the hardest way possible, that I had a huge comfortzone for toxic (narcissistic) behaviour of close and dear people in my life. For decades, but especially the last 3 years, all of these toxic people helped me to live my life more in accordance with my own values. No matter how much I loved my "toxies", eventually this meant a total incompatibility to share lives with one another.

For a loyal person like me, who loves connecting and sharing, this truth was a life-shattering paradigm. Taking action upon it -even the wrong action, like trying to compromise- changed every aspect of my life. Now, after 5 years of detoxing my social circle, my emotions and my beliefs, the Law Of Attraction (LOA) is finally working in my favour. Which, in fact, it did all the time -by giving me attachments to toxic people, but I did't recognize the ways I accomodated them and perpetuated their typical approach avoidance - repetition compulsion... with crazymaking cognitive dissonance. Or in laymen's terms: the depleting hot and cold behaviour with zero openness, often leaving me deeply sad and lonely.

Longing for emotional connection and unaware that I was very different with my empath traits and gifts, I kept investing in cold and distant people... They didn't want an equal relationship with me, but by giving breadcrumbs of attention, they kept me close enough to appease their disregultation. I genuinly love(d) them... but there was a huge disbalance the LOA forced me to face and shift. So I simply attracted more toxic people and increasing abuse. I wanted loving, equal and easy connections -which I'm enjoying very much now, because The LOA lovingly showed me how to attract them: by letting toxic people challenge all of my overgiving, agreeableness and loyalty first. Until I unapologetically chose ME!

No matter if it was me or the toxic people who made further connecting impossible: by breaking the repeating karmic patterns, we did the most loving and helpful thing for each other's soul growth. And growing is what many of us will do in this unique lifetime. As a matter of fact, it's why we are all incarnated here on Earth right now, with these rare and exciting ascension timelines hot and happening right as I speak!


Hope my dear toxies will jump on the highest timelines as well. Like many empaths from all over the world are already doing. Empaths are -often unconsciously- willing to transmute toxic energy... that’s why they've always been attracting toxic people. When they put up boundaries and take bold action towards getting their own needs met first, they increase self love and with that, their energetic vibration increases. Then they will start repelling toxic people. But the ones close to them will keep coming back, until they're given an ultimatum. This rejects them. But the empath must stay strong during "hoovering"-attempts.

This is a universal pattern. Empaths from every continent are sharing their similar experiences with me. No matter what country or culture, all empaths worldwide are going through tough challenges with toxic people. And as the toxic energy is not giving up that easily, there’s even more challenging times ahead for all of us. But I'm as positive as that 60’s song: This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. It's right around the corner. Gifted empaths felt it coming for years and it’s almost here now. The rest of the world will notice very soon. Buckle up for the ride!


I’d love to share some light and positivity on the unprecedented human evolution we're in. But only our actions are determining our individual future. When we unite and support each other, we will bend the artificial negative timelines towards the best organic ones. In ordinary language -I’m not just spiritual, but also very practical-: towards happiness. These opposing timelines will co-exist for a long time… The ones of fear, selfishness and greed, that need control and manipulation to have their way. And the most loving ones, that, I believe, eventually will be the only timeline available for humans. Until then, every timeline is possible, depending on our level of consciousness and willingness to keep taking the right action. The ascension timelines bring almost instant karma. There's no need for years of therapy or healing. Only if you believe in that!


As service-to-others-oriented empaths, we can quickly overcome all of our fears that are keeping us stuck with toxic people, repeating the same detrimental patterns. We are jumping on better timelines, every time we are taking conscious action, speaking our truth and living according to our values. Many toxic people will be doing the same. On YouTube, Cluster B -severe toxicity- diagnosed people started sharing their healing journey openheartedly. I love this! These people endured the most horrific childhood abuse and are still waking up to heal centuries of toxicity in their lineage. The brave ones are going first, but everyone can follow.


Exciting times are near, of that I’m sure!


I have a huge Martin Luther King Jr. photo in my hall, welcoming everyone who enters my home. His battle for equality and truth did not end well for him and his family… So now, more than ever, the ones with good intentions, who have been abused, gaslighted and depleted from their life force, need to speak their truth and take bold action. That’s exactly what I will do… and if I’ll be pissing off toxic people, may it eventually contribute to their empowerment as well. But I won’t waste my energy anymore with endless debating – you never win from toxic people, I learned the hard way. I accept that, knowing there’s way more satisfying connecting possible!

Let’s connect with clarity!

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Martin Luther King Jr., beautiful Truth Warrior, kissed by his wife, inspiring me every day!


Gwen Konings



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