Emotions and success
Success is often ascribed to IQ. Actually, there is a huge role that is played by emotions as well. Cognitive thinking generates a number of alternatives. Without the emotional support of our prefrontal cortex, it is very difficult to be able to decide what decision to take. A person with damage to his prefrontal lobes wanted to take an appointment with the famed psychologist Antonio Damasio. As the person had a damage in his prefrontal region, he took half an hour to decide when to call him. This is just one example of the part that emotions play
As the saying goes, companies do not do business with companies. People do business with people. It is therefore very necessary to be able to establish an emotional connect with the people that we choose to do business with. It is a known fact that people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. These three words “know, like and trust” hold the keys to a lot.
To know people, we have to take an active interest in them. To paraphrase the legendary relationship expert, Dale Carnegie, we can achieve a lot more by being interested in people than getting them interested in us. People do not care how much we know till they know how much we care. In building relationships, it helps to know about their family, their occupation, hobbies, the works!
Liking happens when we give selflessly. There are people who give in order to receive and there are people who just give. The first lot get back only from those they give to, and that too grudgingly. Those who give selflessly can get back from multiple sources. This is because word about them travels. And people want to help people who help others. When we selflessly perform good deeds, the returns are huge and unexpected
Trust is of course the highest level of bonding we can achieve. It takes a lot of time and effort to build trust. And yet, once trust is established, that opens the doors to a lot.
Happiness is an emotion that plays a major role in success. When we are happy, it makes our thinking positive and we are charged with energy as well. This carries with it an enormous contagion. When we are happy, this triggers positive feelings in others and elicits a happy response from them. This creates rapport and makes people inclined to do business with us.
A huge majority of decisions are based on our emotional response. Therefore, a lot of the success achieved is based on a positive emotional connect