Emotions are messengers.
Monica Coronel, PH.D
Author of Self-Awareness Tool: 1 Minute of Self-Reflection | Emotional Intelligence Expert | Personal Empowerment Mentor | Researcher | Meditator | World Traveller | Strong Communicator |
?? I have been exploring this topic with great curiosity and enthusiasm because every aspect of our personality and human experience is an opportunity to grow and evolve. As I have shared before, I spend most of my waking hours researching, writing, and sharing on social media, but mostly practicing. I walk the talk, and I firmly believe in the path of self-mastery. I consider that I am in this world first and foremost to be the best version of myself so I can serve others.
I base my practice on the conscious management of emotions from the wisdom of my heart's center. I spend a reasonable amount of time in self-reflection, meditation, contemplation and self-awareness.
To recognize WHAT LIMITS US SUBCONSCIOUSLY, it is necessary to have the ability to pause and connect with our body as a vehicle of information because emotions are created and manifested in the body. Our brain produces chemicals based on our five senses' information of reality.
According to Dr. Candace Pert:
"Our emotions are "essentially chemical signals (neuropeptides) that travel throughout the body, acting as a dynamic information network linking the mind and body, thus creating a sense of "energy in motion" as our feelings change and influence our physical state at a cellular level."
According to my research, practice, and inner wisdom, when we intentionally pause, scan our body, and ask ourselves what emotions are present in my field of awareness, we open doors that lead us to self-regulatation. We spend most of our days in the rational mind because we are taught that logic and reason are the basis of our intelligence. Thus, we base our actions, behaviors, and decisions on practical cognitive processes.
If we want to walk the path of self-mastery, we strive to reach the Higher Mind, a totally different process that begins with our intention to free ourselves from limitations.
In my experience, self-mastery begins in connection with our heart's wisdom, which I use as a portal to reach my Higher Self-Higher Self.
? In this article, I would love to share what I know, practice, and research. I invite you to take it as an opportunity to explore it further and validate it with your inner wisdom.
The human mind contains 2 spheres: conscious mind & subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind influences us 95% of the time. It is the habitual mind, which is made up of subconscious programs such as habits, beliefs, and patterns. Many of these subconscious programs are limiting because they are based on fear, limitation, scarcity, and separation.
Subconscious programs are formed from childhood by observation of the environment and are also fed by genetic information that is transmitted from generation to generation. When discussing patterns or any other subconscious program, it is essential to recognize that the nervous system and stagnant emotions (blocked energies) around the heart's energy center are involved.
We live primarily in automatic pilot because we are habitual beings; therefore, it is difficult for us to identify/recognize these subconscious programs. This is why it is necessary to acquire, practice, and cultivate a daily practice that allows us to go through a process of self-exploration that begins with creating intentional pauses during our day. Every pause is an opportunity to discover, with curiosity instead of judgment, how we are experiencing every situation or event in our lives. The how is significant because our interpretation of reality gives meaning to that reality.
Reality itself is neutral.
We assign meaning and value according to our subconscious programs: habits, beliefs, and patterns. However, we are unaware of this internal process, so we are incapable of creating self-regulation. In other words, since we are mostly unaware of what is happening in our inner world because our attention is fragmented and we are disconnected from our heart and soul, we only access or identify that which is on the surface of our consciousness.
When we are unaware that we are trying to impress somebody because we have somehow learned that getting validation for who we are is not enough, we spend precious energy trying to fulfill others' expectations because we want to feel valued and appreciated. However, when we create pauses and practice self-inquiry, self-reflection, and self-awareness, we begin to see ourselves falling into the trap of limiting patterns, which we can transform.
It is exhausting to spend our vital energy pleasing or impressing others we consider important, like our boss, colleagues, or clients. We fall into the trap of believing that if we do not play the game of this world, we are going to be left behind. It takes great courage to stand in our power and just be, but there is nothing more fulfilling than being our most authentic version.
I encourage you to become aware of your limiting patterns and celebrate their presence, as they offer a chance for growth. Without encountering limiting beliefs, we miss the opportunity to truly explore the duality of this world, which would hinder our evolution.
I celebrate every instance when I identify a limiting belief, pattern, or habit because it reminds me of who I am. Tell me, are you aware of your limiting patterns? how do you handle it?
All Children and Adults with Autism Matter. All Families of All Types Make That True!
3 个月I’ve generally believed I don’t want to please anyone particularly but rather want to do well at serving others but when I fall short at that I have to challenge that belief ….I don’t have a good answer right now