Emotions, how intelligent are you?
Flying Iguana Coaching & Leadership Development
Creators of impactful team & 1:1 Coaching & Leadership development experiences
The Dreaded “E” word…..
Emotions: ignore them, deny them, control them or overshare them. Whatever your stance, we all have them. But what place do they have in the workplace? Whatever your approach to managing your own emotions, chances are your team members will be different. We’ve worked with many leaders who don’t know how to handle emotions and those who are “emotional” feeling guilty and embarrassed when they display them.
Emotions are transient, they come and go. The secret is to develop your emotional vocabulary and match what you are truly feeling, recognising any physiological signs that happen when you begin to feel that emotion. The first emotion we notice will often be the mask for something deeper and this is where the emotions wheel, as initially designed by Robert Plutchick, can help.
Keep in mind, we will jump around this wheel many times throughout the day. Which emotions are present for you? What emotions would you like to feel?
Fear will often come up in coaching leaders: fear of failure but also fear of success. Understanding where the fear stems from can be a game changer – we may find ourselves being hesitant, so we don’t fail or succeed, which, if we dig deeper, fear keeps us safe: safe from putting ourselves out there, safe from judgement and safe from shame, should it go wrong. Fear can also lead to avoidance eg I won’t go for that promotion. There’s even fear of showing emotion.
Here's some tips for helping you manage your emotions:
Coaching can be a great place to explore your emotions. We love exploring all things emotions, mindsets and behaviours.