Emotional Resilience
Pauline Chan
Certified NLP Trainer | Certified NLP Sales Trainer | Certified Trainer of Hypnotherapy | Certified Master Time Line Therapy? Trainer | Certified Trainer of NLP Coaching
Life is a roller coaster ride and that's the reason we always have ups and downs. Having this understanding in mind, it is totally fine to embrace that we will not be able to stay in the state of happiness forever in our life. Hence, learning to accept that sometimes, situational changes which might lead us to sadness or disappointment puts us in a more resourceful state of mind. Acceptance doesn't mean submission, but simply an acknowledgement of the negative emotions we are having, hence the planning for an effective plan to move to a more positive state of mind.
All of you have various methods and ways to get yourself out from unhappiness, and mainly some involved physical activities like swimming, diving, singing, shopping etc. Some involved more soul searching activities like counting your blessings and reading the Quran. These are the activities that you do when you are already in the state of unhappiness, to get you to happiness or at least to move yourself out from unhappiness. As long as those activities feel connected to you and bring you the results you desire, please continue to do so.
On top of those activities you do, I would also like to share with you 3 ways to a path on your life that leads to true happiness.
1. Be clear about what you value and what is important in your life. What kind of person do you want to be in the context of your family, workplace and even the community?
2. Once you realize on the values and qualities you would like to embrace, make a list of things you would do to behave consistently with those values and do those enjoyable things things that is in alignment with your values.
3. Use mindful awareness if you are caught in a negative state of mind. You may try meditation at this juncture. Meditation simply means attending. In this case, just put your attention to attend to your breath. Pause briefly, focus on your attention on your breath. Then, focus on what you can do next to move towards your positive values that you want to achieve.
A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor - Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hence, to sail in your sea of life, emotional resilience is something you need to cultivate on.
Between accessing your values in life and meditating, which 1 have you done before?
Image credit: https://www.menheal.org.uk