Is emotional marketing essential to maximize the Engagement Rate?
Hsint Sanda
Head of Product and Channel Marketing (Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar) | Growth Driver | Brand Builder | Inspiring Public Speaker | Awards Winner
Is emotional marketing essential to maximize the Engagement Rate? 101% Yes!
People are consuming everything based on personal preferences and interest regarding emotional basic. We see many contents and ads everywhere; however, we didn't use to remember any of them.Consumers are not talking about what we want them to tell; however, they are talking about what they want to. Also, they are hearing and seeing what they want to hear and see. We can't control consumer's filter preferences; however, we can influence their lifestyle if we know well about their particular interest and applying the data on emotional marketing communications.
If we can touch their heart, we don't need to boost our content all the time. We don't need to push consumers to share or like or talk about our products and brand. They will speak of things about the most relevant to them. So, we need to WIN the consumer's heart. The content form with full of technical spec and long paragraphs are annoying. Consumers are lazy to read, and you will get less chance to continue to seeing your commercial if you can't attract on their first glance.
Customers don't care who you are, and even they don't know what is your product or brand if you are not engaging in their language. (Language- I mean marketing language according to consumer's segmentation). Know your customers. Know what they care. Know what kind of media platform they consume. What are their current preferences and what are the pain points/expectations on it. Then, engage and attract with USP what you can offer the best value among competitors.
#EmotionalMarketing #Knowyourcustomers