Ashutosh K.
Ex banker, Now self-employed, MD &CEO of Kumar Group of companies, Author of many books.
Emotional intelligence (also referred to as emotional quotient or EQ) is?the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve?stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and resolve conflict. Emotional intelligence is a?key component of leadership. The ability to manage emotions, as well as recognize and influence others, has been considered one of the strongest indicators of office performance. Every day, innumerable people use empathy and understanding to grip social interactions at work. For instance, in an office meeting,?when one person speaks, others listen. This happens instinctively and such behaviors are examples of emotional intelligence in the workplace.?Emotionally intelligent people pay attention to what they are feeling.
A highly emotional person is?someone who tends to feel things more deeply and for longer than the average person. People who are highly emotional are often deeply compassionate and self-aware, but at the same time may feel exhausted from feeling all the feels all the time.
What are the components of emotional intelligence?
The term “emotional intelligence” was coined in the 1990s, then promoted by psychologist and author Daniel Goleman in his book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.”
Here are the 5 components he references:
It is an ability to see our own forms of behaviors and reasons. It also helps to know our emotions and actions influence those around us. We can?name our own emotions?when they come up and understand why they’re there. We can also recognize our causes, identify our strengths, and see our own limitations. Being self-aware can also mean our humbleness ?— we’re all only human, after all.
If we can self-regulate, our emotional reactions are in proportion to the given circumstances. If we know how to pause, as needed, and control our impulses. Think before they act and consider the consequences. It also means knowledge of how to ease tension, manage skirmish, cope with difficult scenarios, and adapt to changes in our environment. It’s all about bringing out the part of ourselves that helps?manage emotions.
If a person is naturally motivated, he has a ?thirst for personal development. It is highly driven to succeed, whatever its version of success looks like. He is inspired to accomplish goals because it helps him grow as a person, rather than doing it for outside rewards like money, fame, status, or recognition.
Having empathy means a healthy level of self-interest but not self-centered. If we are slow to judge others and possess the awareness that we’re all just doing the best we can with the circumstances we’ve been given. When we know better, we do better.
Social skills
If we have developed our social skills, we are more adept at working in teams. As we are aware of others and their needs in a conversation or conflict resolution. We are welcoming in conversation, using?active listening, eye contact, verbal communication skills, and open body language. We know how to develop a rapport with others or express leadership if the occasion calls for it.
Why is emotional intelligence important?
Humans are social animals and wired for connection. The more we can build positive relationships and develop cooperative connections, the more enriching our lives may be. Unsurprisingly,?research has shown Trusted Source?that there’s a correlation between higher EQ and happiness. But even when the going gets tough, EQ can help us with that, too,. In an academic setting, students who demonstrate high emotional intelligence, especially in the areas of emotional regulation and empathy, may be less likely to experience?bullying. The research found that well-developed EQ can help us achieve the goals of our organization and increase our job satisfaction, in part because of the positive relationships nurtured in the workplace.
In fact, according to that same study, a high EQ can help other people around us to achieve success, particularly in group projects. When we control our emotions, this influences those around us to do the same. Everyone wins.
Examples of emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence exists on a continuum. Here are some common examples that explore what a higher versus a lower EQ may look like.
Social skills
As per ?Goleman's competencies – focusing on the following 7 signs of strong EQ:
Six benefits of emotional intelligence at the office
?16 habits of highly emotional people:
1.????“Letting go of clutter and cleaning. ?to reduce the stress and move on through a huge change in my life circumstances.
2.?????Oversleeping so much energy just trying to fit in and hide how emotional I really am.
3.????“If someone is nice to me when the kindness can move me to tears.
4.????I’m a very sensory-oriented person so this feeling calms me down quite often. It actually makes me fall asleep very quickly.
5.????“Swear a lot, and?seek validation.
6.????“Apologies all the time.
7.????“Trying to fix everything in my life even if it’s not directly my problem.
8.????“Laughing nervously or like really laughing nonstop at inappropriate moments.
9.????“Holding everything in and then just exploding over one little thing.
10. “Try to help everyone I come across that has an issue.
11. “Have a very glazed-over stare.
12. “Cry when I’m really frustrated.
13. “I pull my hair.
14. “Sometimes I pretend I need to use the restroom because I know I’m going to cry and I don’t want anyone to see
15. “Turning myself off. I act like a stone,
16. “I’ll have trouble looking people in the eyes.
If you can relate to any of these experiences, you’re in good company. While it’s true that feeling all the feels can be emotionally exhaust
Although there are many models of emotional intelligence, they are often endured together as “EQ” in the popular vernacular. An alternative term is “EI,” which comprises four domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Within those domains are twelve EI competencies, starting with emotional self-awareness in the self-awareness domain. Emotional self-control, adaptability, achievement orientation, and a positive outlook fall under self-management. Empathy and organizational awareness make up social awareness. Relationship management includes influence, coaching and mentoring, conflict management, teamwork, and inspirational leadership. Leaders need to develop a balance of strengths across these competencies.
?Bringing festering issues to the surface goes to the core of conflict management. ?A leader with this strength can fluent a vision or mission that resonates emotionally with both themselves and those they lead, which is a key ingredient in mustering the motivation essential for going in a new direction. Indeed,?several studies?have found a strong association between EI, driving change, and visionary leadership. In order to excel, leaders need to develop a balance of strengths across the complement of EI competencies. When they do that, excellent business results follow.
Simply reviewing the 12?competencies in our mind can provide us a sense of where we might need some development. There are a number of formal models of EI, with their own assessment tools. When choosing a tool to use, consider how well it predicts leadership outcomes. Some assess how we ?see urself; these correlate highly with personality tests, which also tap into a person’s “self-schema.” Others, like that of Yale University president Peter Salovey and his colleagues, define EI as an ability; their test, the?MSCEIT?(a commercially available
Formal 360-degree assessments, which incorporate systematic, anonymous observations of our behavior by people who work with us, have been found to not correlate well with IQ or personality, but they are the?best predictors?of a leader’s effectiveness, actual business performance, engagement, and job (and life) satisfaction. Into this category fall our?own model?and the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory, or ESCI 360, a commercially available assessment we developed with Korn Ferry Hay Group to gauge the 12?EI competencies, which rely on how others rate observable behaviors in evaluating a leader.
These assessments are critical to a full evaluation of our EI, but even?understanding that these 12?competencies are all a part of our emotional intelligence is an important first step in addressing areas where our EI is at its weakest. Teaching is the most effective method for improving in areas of EI deficit. Even people?with many apparent leadership strengths can stand to better understand those areas of EI where we have room to grow.
The technical skills that helped secure a person's first promotion might not guarantee him next. If he aspires to be in a leadership role, there’s an emotional element he needs to consider. It’s what helps a person successfully coach teams, manage stress, deliver feedback, and collaborate with others. It’s called emotional intelligence and accounts?for nearly 90 percent of what sets high performers apart?from peers with similar technical skills and knowledge.
Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you. The term was first coined in 1990 by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey but was later popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman.
More than a decade ago, Goleman highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership, telling the?Harvard Business Review, “The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but...they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions.”
Over the years, emotional intelligence—also known as EQ—has evolved into a must-have skill.?Research by EQ provider TalentSmart?shows that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance. Employees with high emotional intelligence are more likely to stay calm under pressure, resolve conflict effectively, and respond to co-workers with empathy.
Emotional intelligence is typically broken down into four core competencies:
3.???Social awareness
4.???Relationship management
In order to improve your emotional intelligence, it’s important to understand what each element entails. Here is a closer look at the four categories:
1. Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is at the core of everything. It describes your ability to not only understand your strengths and weaknesses but to recognize your emotions and the effect they have on you and your team’s performance. According to?research by organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich, 95 percent of people think they’re self-aware, but only 10 to 15 percent actually are, and that can pose problems for your employees. Working with colleagues who aren’t self-aware can?cut a team’s success in half?and, according to Eurich’s research, lead to increased stress and decreased motivation.
In order to bring out the best in others, you first need to bring out the best in yourself, which is where self-awareness comes into play. One easy way to assess your self-awareness is by completing 360-degree feedback, in which you evaluate your performance and then match it up against the opinions of your boss, peers, and direct reports. Through this process, you’ll gain insights into your own behavior and discover how you’re perceived in the organization
2. Self-Management
Self-management refers to the ability to manage your emotions, particularly in stressful situations, and maintain a positive outlook despite setbacks. Leaders who lack self-management tend to react and have a harder time keeping their impulses in check. A reaction tends to be automatic. The more in tune you are with your emotional intelligence, however, the easier you can make the transition from reaction to response. It's important to remember to pause, breathe, collect yourself, and do whatever it takes to manage your emotions so that you can more appropriately and intentionally respond to stress and adversity.
?Social Awareness
While it’s important to understand and manage your own emotions, you also need to know how to read a room. Social awareness describes your ability to recognize others’ emotions and the dynamics in play within your organization.
Leaders who excel in social awareness practice empathy. They strive to understand their colleagues’ feelings and perspectives, which enables them to communicate and collaborate more effectively with their peers. Global leadership development firm DDI?ranks empathy as the number one leadership skill, reporting that leaders who master empathy perform more than 40 percent higher in coaching, engaging others, and decision-making. In a separate study by?the Centre for Creative Leadership?(pdf), researchers found that managers who show more empathy toward their direct reports are viewed as better performers by their bosses. By communicating with empathy, you can better support your team, all while improving your individual performance.
4. Relationship Management
Relationship management refers to your ability to influence, coach, and mentor others, and resolve conflict effectively. Some prefer to avoid conflict, but it’s important to properly address issues as they arise. If you want to keep your team happy, you need to have those tough conversations: Respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” as the top factor in job satisfaction.
Leaders set the tone of their organization. If they lack emotional intelligence, it could have more far-reaching consequences, resulting in lower employee engagement and a higher turnover rate. While a person might excel at his job technically, if he can’t effectively communicate with his team or collaborate with others, those technical skills will get overlooked. By mastering emotional intelligence, a person can continue to?advance your career and organization. Emotional intelligence allows us to enhance key areas of our life like home, work, and school. That’s because of possession of a certain skill set in spades — emotional intelligence. Intelligence, in the general sense, is the ability to learn new concepts and apply our knowledge to problems. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is similar. It’s the ability to learn about ourselves and apply that wisdom to the world around us.