Emotional intelligence the secret of health improvement

Emotional intelligence the secret of health improvement

The metrics for measuring someone’s intelligence have changed over the past 30 years. Before 1990, one's IQ was generally gauged by one's intelligence quotient (I.Q.). People with high IQs were viewed as being more intelligent than those with average or lower scores. Due to the message that individuals with higher IQ scores received more attention, discrimination among children arose

. While those who scored average placed in average or low IQ classes.


This was later disapproved by many researchers and psychologists. In her book Mindset, author and psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck refuted the notion that brilliance is a trait that only a select few people in society have.

In her book, Dr. Dweck outlined the differences between the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.? People who believe they have a fixed or limited level of intelligence lack the will to develop new skills or ideas.


Fearing that they may fail and feel embarrassed among their colleagues. While the growth mindset welcomes new challenges and is not afraid to fail and learn from their mistakes. Growth mindset individuals believe that their intelligence is not limited and they can learn new skills or shed on new ideas. In her book Grit, Angelia Duckworth asserts that those with greater grit are more prepared to take chances, fail, and learn from their mistakes to overcome their obstacles


The literature is wonderful and all this is fascinating, but people are not robots or numbers.? Understanding how is crucial since human beings are social animals with strong emotions. It also offers a new approach to assessing IQ, called "Emotional Intelligence."

Daniel Goleman wrote a book titled "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ". The book came out in 1995. Daniel Goleman defined emotional intelligence as the capacity to exercise self-discipline, control your emotions, empathize with others, and inspire oneself to keep going despite obstacles this known as emotional intelligence


Research suggests that IQ accounts for only 20% of our success in life. The remaining 80% comes from non-IQ factors, such as luck, social class, and emotional intelligence.

Dr. Goleman said that emotional intelligence consists of five major components.:


1. Self-awareness: which involves understanding & having knowledge of one’s internal state


2. Self-Regulation: which concerns managing one’s impulses & internal state


3. Motivation: This can be characterized as the ability of emotions to guide a person towards their objectives.


4. Empathy: which is an individual’s ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to be both aware of & understand how they’re feeling.


5. Social Skills: which relate to the ability to have positive interactions & good communication with others


Emotional intelligence can play an important role in our physical health. According to a Pennebaker study, students who wrote in their journals about their emotional problems visited the hospital less than those who did not reveal any emotional distress.


Pennebaker also discovered that the immune system was strengthened when people shared emotional traumas or experiences. Additionally, it was discovered that people with high emotional intelligence performed well on their tests and had better mental and physical health. Additionally, those who had higher emotional intelligence were better able to handle pressure and practiced greater self-care.


Finally, as we approach Mental Health Day it is important to highlight that emotional intelligence lowers stress levels and improves mental health. Research has found out that emotional intelligence helps to control negative emotions such as anxiety and anger and replace them with positive ones. Some reaches suggests that children who have high emotional intelligence are much happier and achieve well academically.??


To sum up, having strong emotional intelligence enables people to control unpleasant feelings like tension and anxiety and replace them with positive ones. Compared to others with low emotional intelligence, these people are more successful, happier, and healthier. Therefore, I encourage every employee, manager, or executive to encourage people to better understand emotional intelligence either through:

1.???? Workshops

2.???? Coaching sessions

3.???? Inviting employee to open discussions to talk frankly about their emotions.


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