Emotional Fitness = A Life with Less Stress ...
Want Less Stress?

Emotional Fitness = A Life with Less Stress ...

Emotional Fitness is the greatest contributor to a life of Less Stress, as Leaders, it helps us to:

~ manage our own & other people's expectations, especially when under pressure

~ stay calm & clear when making critical decisions

~ deal with diverse personalities & work styles, as well as navigating conflict

~ set better personal boundaries & not take on other people's responsibilities or emotional baggage

~ not take things personally when being met by resistance or significantly different opinions

~ see the opportunity of the challenge vs the burden of the blockage, during times of chaos & uncertainty

~ summons the courage & strength to have the difficult conversations that lead to efficiency & harmony

~ constantly juggle multiple leadership, financial & tactical responsibilities under the pressure of rapidly changing circumstances

~ extract the wisdom, growth & learning instead of the blame or shame of a situation

~ identify our own vital needs to maintain a healthy work life balance.

In fact, Emotional Fitness, is our UNSUNG HERO ... it equips us with the tools we need to NAVIGATE work / life's ups & downs with grace & strength, and not leave us totally depleted!

Emotional Fitness is a super strength & one of our SUPER POWERS! And yet WE DON'T give it the love, understanding & attention it needs ...


It's time to break the cycle & LIBERATE yourself ...

It all starts with having a better RELATIONSHIP with your EMOTIONS!

How do you do this?

See the TRUTH of your emotions ... their role, their purpose, their function. They & you are not the bad guy ... they can be a POWERFUL ALLY!

We just need to see their truth & DROP our JUDGEMENTS ...

Here's 10 TRUTHS that will change your relationship with your emotions FOREVER ...

  1. Emotions as ENERGY: Emotions are just ENERGY in MOTION ... that's why they're called EMotions. They are designed to?move through you, they are movement & flow! When we adopt this view, our judgement of ourselves & our emotions lessens.
  2. LANGUAGE of Life: Emotions are the language of our metaphysical BEING! It's how the heart, mind, body & soul communicate with each other. When you shut them down, you close down your own COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, leaving you feeling seperate & disconnected ... not a comfortable space to be in!
  3. Emotions as GUIDES: Our Emotions are a vital source of information & feedback. They're our ENERGETIC EMAILING SYSTEM containing very important messages to navigate us to our Truth, Potency & Purpose. When you tap into your personalized emailing system you have access to your own personal GPS!
  4. VOLUME & Proximity: When you ignore or dial down your EMOTIONAL EMAILS, they increase in volume & proximity. They get louder & more invasive until you STOP, LISTEN & LEARN!
  5. NEUTRAL by Nature: Our Emotions are like notes on a keyboard. Pure TREBLE & BASS, two beautiful resonances coming together to be our own personal GUIDE. Problem is we classify them as Positive & Negative! We get addicted to the Positive & want to eliminate the Negative. If we do that, we wipe out half our feedback system & end up flying blind!
  6. Masking TRUE SELF: We are not our Emotions, they DO NOT DEFINE us, we are just experiencing them (Energy in Motion ... right!). A common misstep is to say ... I AM angry, I AM sad, I AM hurt, I AM lonely. Say this enough & we embody the emotion as our Identity. Instead say I FEEL angry, sad, hurt or disappointed. This subtle but powerful switch reminds us of their transient nature, as well as separating them from our TRUE Self!
  7. FREE or FEED: Your Emotions are catalysed by chemical responses which last 10 - 90 seconds. They have a very short life but we tend to feed & extend them through judgement & replay. When you rerun snippets of situations & the judgements of those events, you are feeding the emotional circuit. This can keep you triggered for hours, days, months. Practicing IMPULSE CONTROL & heeding the messages of your Emotional Emails allows you to BREAK the CIRCUIT. This FREEs both YOU & your Emotional Energy.
  8. Healthy VENTING: That which you SUPPRESS will ultimately EXPRESS! Suppressed Emotions can build up pressure, leading to explosive releases ... KABOOM. Just like a volcano, there can be lots of dangerous & messy fall out! Instead, be like your hot water system, create a RELEASE VALVE ... have a HEALTHY VENT & release your suppressed Emotions. Healthy Venting can take all forms ... boxing, running, dancing, singing, yawning, crying, talking, drawing ... find what works for you in a safe & healthy form.
  9. Richness of Life: Life is meant to be FELT!. Embracing the full spectrum of your Emotions, from sadness to joy, enriches your life experience, adding fullness, depth, vibrancy & aliveness. Part of the mastery behind Emotional Fitness, is being able to experience the pure resonance of the musical Emotional note vs getting stuck in the story of blame or shame, that gets attached to the Emotion.
  10. Emotional Navigational System: Like dashboard lights in a cockpit, Emotions form part of our personal feedback system, alerting us to our deepest needs, desires & TRUTH. Emotions, when understood and embraced, can guide us towards greater authenticity, alignment with our true path, and deeper understanding of ourselves.

By redefining your understanding of your Emotions as dynamic energies, communicative tools & invaluable guides, you unlock a deeper level of self awareness and be a more authentic & potent Leader.

Embracing these 10 Truths about Emotions can revolutionize how you interact with the world & everyone around you, creating more peace, harmony & less stress, struggle & strain on a day to day basis.

Let's cultivate a community where emotional fitness is not just an ideal, but a practical, everyday reality. Join the conversation and take the first step towards a more emotionally fit you ... let me know what landed for you


Are you ready to transform your Emotional Fitness and harness the full potential of your Inner BEing? Join me on Wednesday 24 April, 5pm EST for a FREE 40 min Teaching + Q&A (LI Event) ... I promise it will be MIND ALTERING


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#ThoughtLeadership #PersonalGrowth?#Stress #SageFromTheStage

Kevin Fonseca


7 个月

Hey Jenny, you've hit the nail on the head! Emotional Fitness is indeed an unsung hero. It's high time we give it the attention it deserves. Looking forward to the session on the 24th!

Joe Apfelbaum

??CEO, evyAI -AI LinkedIn? Trainer, Business Development Training B2B Marketing via Ajax Union // Networking Connector, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, AI Expert, Single Father????????????

7 个月

Jenny Lincoln's insights on emotions as tools for leadership and stress reduction are transformative. Embracing this can truly elevate our professional journeys.

Tricia Brouk

Strategic advisor for big thinkers who want to communicate effectively for impact ∣ Keynote Speaker ∣ Founder The Big Talk Academy

7 个月

You are incredible! I am so grateful for how you are using your influential voice. ??


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